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Posted: 17 Jun, 2022 @ 6:20pm
Updated: 18 Jun, 2022 @ 5:12pm

Fresh off the heels of the first race with Ai: (For context, I have played the first game. loved it till the new update cause I lost all my progress. I'll try to get that progress again on another time. Ill talk about how the game feels later.) I was doing good against the Ai till seconds before the first lap ended... one of the Ai just flew past me. thought it was cause they had boost, so I thought nothing of it. Later, near the mid, the Ai passed me again, and I went to 2nd place. The other racer passed me and stayed that way till the end netting me a bronze medal. I know that this is the start of the game to give you a feel of a real race, but C'mon, at least give the new people a chance to win or not have to REALLY know how to use the tools to their fullest. I'm more upset that the Ai was well-equiped unlike myself. I imagine new players would have a HARD time trying to get into the game: and even when it came to the earlier missions to get used to the controls, I disliked how they slowed time to force you to make the basic moves such as: moving left, moving right, and don't forget, strafing!

I'm going to go back to finish the races to get to the meat and potatoes of the game but some other things I did not like: the ability to choose a frame was taken away for a uniform start. That would make sense if it was like say, Pokemon or Warframe with their different starters to give the player (new and old) a way to choose their play style. maybe even give them a decently leveled up kart via Handling/Hull, Speed/Accel, and Energy/(Stability?). Then take it away in the real races so the player already has a taste of power and are willing to climb the ranks for it once more.

Okay, as someone who put a 'few' hours into the original game, it feels weird. not bad weird or good weird. I need to race a bit more to truly understand how the karts work, but I don't hate it. It feels a lot more grippy versus the original game and I can't yet say if I Dislike it or not. Same thing with the new boost mechanic. I'm going to need a lot of time to get used to burning my health to go faster while not smashing myself into the walls. ALSO, I did not mention in the first paragraph, but the boost (it felt more natural to add it here) feels off with regards to regular boosting and hyperboosting. I read around that people had issues with the boosting level since they had to learn to mix hyperboosting and regular boosting to beat it, I simply mixed the two and beat it with silver since I was scraping the walls a lot. During the race, it seemed that there is a delay between hyper boosting and turning off the boost, so I had to restart the race since I came in 4th (which should still give the new players a star or something at this current stage of difficulty. And as much as it is a sequel, I rather liked how the first game had their events and progression: after a few training levels, here: play in all these events to see what you like.) and I even still had issues in the rematch with it not turning off the hyperboost when I want it to. Thankfully, I beat it, but mayhaps I have yet to get a grasp of the mechanics. My first kart from Redout 1 was the Koniog (or however you spelled it) and I used all that extra health to safely get to terms with the game as I had not put lots of time into racing games, let alone anti-grav racers. I like to try new games that seem interesting, and I was glad I got the first game, but after the recent update to the first game, and now how this game feels, its a weird change, but I'll stick with it to see how it goes.

Other issues have to be the introductions to tracks have audio issues with the narrator, and some weird visual stuff, but I don't really mind it too much, I overlook lots of stuff, since I'm sure making a game is no walk in the park.

I was hooked by the music from the first game, and same here so far as some musical artists worked here too is awesome. however, I'll simply say as a warning, the game feels weird as a veteran, and I imagine perhaps unfair to the new racers. Ill still recommend it, but beware, it has a few "interesting" design choices.

(Edit 1) Just got to the second race with Ai (after typing this long-ass thesis) and I will have to reiterate the fact that the Ai a "tad" bit too powerful versus you. I may just be a bad player, but it really feels like the Ai is just better than you and not because they have rubber-banding (you don't) or that the Ai know the maps better than you do, but they seem to have better equipments. *I can't really tell since I don't know all the parts very well*

(Edit 2) New patch rolled out, but I guess it helped(?) but I have a slightly better understanding of the boost mechanic now. I am still not familiar with it, but I am welcoming it so far. I moved from the second race and am trying the other modes -- I got upset and turned off the game but came back to try the other races -- and now have a slightly better feel for the game, though it is not much, I'm happy to say that I was able to get new parts for the ship. I guess while I am used to the old game, I just had to let go and keep pushing myself to understand the new things the game had to offer. If I could offer one "reasonable" change, it would be to maybe be able to have an easier way to visualize the health and boosts, only because my blind-ass can't see manage health and speed, but in all seriousness, maybe being able to move those hud elements closer to the ship or something. Otherwise, I just have to get good. I'll probably get used to being to know when to boost and to conserve health.
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