83 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
110 käyttäjän mielestä tämä arviointi oli hauska
0.0 tuntia kahden viime viikon aikana / yhteensä 666.1 tuntia (550.2 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
Julkaistu: 23.5.2016 klo 7.31
Muutettu 5.4. klo 13.28.

Satan: I have an Army.
UAC: We have a Marine.


Ok Anyway lets write a serious review about this old but gold game.

The first Doom if i remember came out the 10 December 1993
What ??? In 1993 ??? That make this game 23 years old.

Yeah we still playing old Doom game today in 2016.
There are tons of badass mod, want some example ? Project Brutality.

There is tons of badass wad. ( wad are custom level made by fans )
Want some example ? Stronghold, Scythe I and II, Map of chaos, Nuts wad, A Doom Odyssey 2002 and many many mannnnyyyyy moreeeee !

This is Doom Ultimate With an older version of Project Brutality mod my best and preferate version btw.

No buIIshit here, load your guns and GO !

Wow \/\/tf !! This looks good for a 23 years old game !
Yeah totally my buey ! TOTALLY !

Its fast, there are lots of ennemy, lots of badass weapons !
The texture are nice, the light effect the sprite whatever my buey !
Its /\/uts simply as that !

I have to say that i very very rarely did any Doom game without mod.
Cause well sorry. Without mod its... Slow and borring in my opinion. In my opinion..... :)

But thats my opinion you understand ?
Doom without mod is good too, but i prefer the old Doom with my preferate mod.
Project Brutality

Tons of badass weapons, a lot of different ennemy ! Soundtrack are good, time to time custom soundtrack, other time originale one. Its fine !

Sprite, texture, lighting are well mad.

Its possible to play Doom Ultimate with Project Brutality and any ( almost ) any WAD you want without any problem ! Am not talking about Brutal Doom mod, cause in my opinion well this mod is ... Unfinished and borring :)

You want the best Doom and hardcore sI-Iiet experience ? >>> Project Brutality

This game.... Ultimate Doom.... Is another game that .....
Will Never Die !

This game is worth your monney ? HELL ♥♥♥♥♥ YEAH trust me !

Doom without mod... Its something different then Doom + PB mod for sure... !


Doom with Brutal Wolfenstein mod.... !


Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
14 kommenttia
Micropoint 1.2.2021 klo 12.23 
i have way more doom hours out of steam ^^
Micropoint 1.2.2021 klo 12.23 
Frodo_69 1.2.2021 klo 7.33 
at this moment in time you have 666,1 hours in the game. Nice, devil = hell = doom = gaming gamer games
Micropoint 29.3.2017 klo 13.43 
Gunsaremagic 29.3.2017 klo 12.36 
Micropoint 4.8.2016 klo 9.25 
Thanks :omfg: Yeah it become something new we can say.
Even more badass also :nuke: ^^
ZERB 4.8.2016 klo 9.24 
Good mods Nice view.it became a new golden game.:starsmile:
Micropoint 27.6.2016 klo 12.14 
lol yes am French :spasm::ICBM:

But when i write a review especially a big one, i prefer to let people know that am French. I know my english is not perfect, the word i use blablabla.....

Cause you know some people find my english retarded normal i learn english my self not at school....

Thanks for your comment btw.
Take care.
Laskvurel 27.6.2016 klo 12.10 
I couldn't tell French was your first language. Congrats man that's better than I could ever do learning a second language.
Micropoint 29.5.2016 klo 3.43 
Dont think, you better download them on internet btw..