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Évaluation publiée le 30 sept. 2018 à 23h10
Mis à jour : 8 mai 2020 à 21h57

Évaluation de CS:GO
This is a great game but have a real problem, Cheaters, Toxic and annoying players. Developers wanted to make a better experience by adding Trust-factor, but sometimes trust factor works on the contrary. And that's because it's bases on peoples reports without validating and considering what kind of person is reporting you. If he's a low player, racist or even a cheater, his reports doesn't have to be affected. People also make some bots that they will report you for no reason, what is the meaning of reports coming from people who you didn't meet on your life?

In conclusion a great thing can be great only if you manage it perfectly! on my opinion CS:GO has a poor management and development system, only valve can help its self and that's it.

Thanks for you time.
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