You Wont Be Left 4 Dead YWBL4D
You Wont Be Left 4 Dead YWBL4D
게임 중
2009년 3월 3일
You Wont Be Left 4 Dead 정보

Tired of playing with idiots who wouldnt know teamwork if it hit them in the face?

Welcome to You Wont Be Left 4 Dead. This group is a collection of players by invite only that have received the highest praise from other who have played with them.

Finally we can all get on with just enjoying the game :D
인기 토론글
최근 공지
How to use our l4d server (THIS IS THE ONE!)
The server returns.
댓글 129
Kalador 2009년 10월 16일 오후 1시 48분 
Hi guys, I'm searching for people who are interested to play two custom campaigns:

1) Death Stop (4-maps):

2) Vienna Calling (5-maps):

I'm thinking this Saturday around 10pm British time.
Akira Sato 2009년 9월 8일 오후 2시 58분 
Akira Sato 2009년 9월 5일 오후 5시 01분 
i really think so one should post the link to the forum in our steam page so people will know we have a forum
Hober Mallow 2009년 9월 5일 오후 1시 48분 
we have forums??
Shauria 2009년 8월 31일 오전 6시 14분 
ROFL, I just found out we had forums!!
Lord Joe, Duck of Delftington 2009년 8월 24일 오전 2시 40분 
Games are happening on a regular basis, usually around 9 PM British time. The forum is active and the server works like a charm. The new campaign will be here in 2-3 weeks time, so I'd say you guys need to train a little, because Dusk, Jelli and company need someone to really challenge them in the new levels. If not, they'll believe they are good at this L4D thingy...
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2009년 3월 3일