19 September, 2010
New Zealand 
SuckDsH4xx 24 Dec, 2012 @ 7:50pm 
can i join stolz?
PoweredCat 15 Feb, 2012 @ 9:26pm 
hey bro.
HypeR | NOZ 29 Jan, 2012 @ 8:15pm 
sup. im new
PoweredCat 27 Dec, 2011 @ 10:09pm 
Hey, how's it going guys!
Blankrome 21 Dec, 2011 @ 6:12pm 
WHo has kicking ablitlties on the Stolz SnD server?
Leahcim 1 Dec, 2011 @ 9:47pm 
stolz should make a youtube channel
Blitz Stolz ✠ βLi✟☡ ☠ 27 Oct, 2011 @ 6:42am 
mw3 has no ranked dedicated seervers. a huge disappointment and a step back to mw2.
wolfgang stolz 21 Aug, 2011 @ 12:25am 
MW3 is on its way ... with dedicated servers woot
-3xA'Lu©κy the disappearing act 13 Aug, 2011 @ 11:59pm 
How's everyone been going lately... been too busy to check lately?!
-3xA'Lu©κy the disappearing act 31 Jul, 2011 @ 10:08pm 
not sure.. will check.
BOB 31 Jul, 2011 @ 8:11pm 
so.... is the sniper server still up?
-3xA'Lu©κy the disappearing act 29 Jul, 2011 @ 4:29pm 
Thanks wolfgang for nice comment about me :D.
Obliv 16 Jul, 2011 @ 1:03am 
Do we have a vent server?
I|v|I Hamm3rNutZ! 15 Jul, 2011 @ 9:53pm 
hey dudesomes! I'ma leavin to aucks for 2 weeks man and cant take the life support computer with me so wont be playing any cods.. or any other fishes. ;) keep it real bruthaz! peace :D written on marcs behalf by his stunning and awesomely witty better half wife :D tehehehehehehe
-3xA'Lu©κy the disappearing act 27 Jun, 2011 @ 12:10am 
MW3 Leaked Info right here, PLZ don't forgot to look at the links below, trust me they work and are real... their not fake websites or anything and they do tell a little about the new CoD:

Singleplayer info: ill-die-in-modern-warfare-3

Multiplayer info: attles-in-brooklyn-clash-in-mogadishu/gallery/

Ok thanks guys for everything and cya all!
Tell me guys what you think so far...
[GI] ArQ 24 Jun, 2011 @ 9:44pm 
Streetz h4x0r3d my aim i can't aim for shizzle t0day!
I|v|I Hamm3rNutZ! 19 Jun, 2011 @ 2:28am 
Hallo add meee if u want
-3xA'Lu©κy the disappearing act 12 Jun, 2011 @ 5:16pm 
Thanks Rey Pogi, don't have much more stuff to say... lol, anyway cya all.
-3xA'Lu©κy the disappearing act 10 Jun, 2011 @ 5:51pm 
HEY GUYS, I just joined SZ Stolz (I'm also/already in AAA as well) because I play a lot of the time on the 24/7 S&D server a lot; wolfgang, my good friend invited me.... So yeah, just dropping in to say hi! and to see how you were all going and to give you notification that I had joined. P.S. Also for all you CoD addicts you can see 13 minutes from MW3 of all new gameplay footage on this site: (in case you wanted to see it). Oh yeah it's MY BIRTHDAY as well :) WOOT WOOT! See you around all later and soon, I'll be playing CoD: BO Multiplayer a lot today, so you can expect me to be online. OK, that's all I wanted to say and just to see how you were all going. Bye and thanx.
Obliv 22 May, 2011 @ 3:04am 
ban that Jacal kid for constant abuse
Scr1pt 20 May, 2011 @ 5:17am 
*FEARED* MegaLemonMAN 16 May, 2011 @ 8:17pm 
im unnatural
*FEARED* MegaLemonMAN 16 May, 2011 @ 6:01am 
ou know me ..... i defie human nature
Blitz Stolz ✠ βLi✟☡ ☠ 16 May, 2011 @ 5:28am 
hard to find admins who don't become drunk with power. sadly its human nature
Scr1pt 8 May, 2011 @ 5:26am 
lol swift
*FEARED* MegaLemonMAN 3 May, 2011 @ 4:06am 
3 hackers in one stolz server with 4 stolz members and no thats the reason i need admin:3
Germ 22 Jan, 2011 @ 4:35am 
WOOT Player Of WEEK :)