Witch Watchers wwatchers
Witch Watchers wwatchers
게임 중
2011년 7월 9일
Witch Watchers 정보

Because watching your witch is good for your health.

Congratulations to DzejPi, who designed our profile picture as part of a recent contest!

Killing zombies is all that matters

We're a Left 4 Dead community just looking to have a good time. We have our own server with tonnes of community-made maps (and always adding more) and semi-regular events including campaigns, versus and even special events like Tanks-only and Witch Hunts.

Recently we've branched out to include other games as well, though our base community will always be from Left 4 Dead our focus is on enjoyable multiplayer experiences at any skill level, so we now maintain servers in CS:GO and No More Room in Hell as well as our L4D.

With a focus on friendly players and friendly gameplay there's always someone to catch a round with.

  • No racism
  • No sexism
  • No excessive swearing
  • No lewd sprays
  • No spamming discussions or chat

Above all...Respect all players

Every week the group hosts a challenge to our players. You can check out the current one HERE!. See if you can beat the admins at their own game.

If you wish to donate to our servers to help keep them running you can do so by clicking this link.[]
Every penny of the donations recieved goes straight to the servers to keep them going longer.
인기 토론글
최근 공지
Left 4 Dead 2 Receiving Official Community-Made Update
Official Posting님이 먼저 게시:
Welcome to the grand reveal of the Last Stand Update's contents - This is all the new content we have spent the past year working on and Our entire update team is very excited to bring you this update, we hope oy enjoy it!

With this update, you can look forward to all of the following:
‣ The Last Stand campaign
- The survivors decide to take an alternate path in hopes of salvation, but is this path truly safe?
‣ 30 brand new achievements
- New and unique milestones to strive for!
‣ 26 new survival maps
- How long can you survive against the endless hordes?
‣ 4 new scavenge maps - Wait, people still play scavenge?
‣ 2 brand new melee weapons
- Hunt down a Jockey with the pitchfork or whack it with the shovel. Satisfaction guaranteed!
‣ L4D1 infected
- The L4D1 infected are back, and they're bloodier than ever!
‣ New and previously unused voicelines for survivors - Rochelle has a personality now!
‣ New character animations - New, improved and overhauled animations by our skilled modding team!
‣ Reworked gun models and animations - The guns now behave more like real guns!
‣ PvP enhancements and balance changes
- New attack spots, new tank spawns, and hundreds of new infected ladders for the competitive modes!
‣ Official implementation of CSS weapons
- The CSS weapons are now available to everyone!
‣ Brand new mutations Rocketdude and Tank run - Ever wanted to launch yourself around with a grenade launcher, or run away from hordes of tanks? We've got you covered.
‣ Improved UI options
- Singleplayer option for more gamemodes, Versus Survival is officially brought to the main menu, easier gamemode switching, and new outro stats!
‣ Hundreds of bug and exploit fixes
- The days of falling through elevators are gone!

And to top all of this off, we're going to host a free weekend when the update drops!
With all that being said, I want to thank everyone for your kind, supportive words and the hype. We hope you'll enjoy the update :)

- The Community Update Team

FREE Chivalry: Medieval Warfare
댓글 13
Delta 2024년 2월 10일 오후 6시 06분 
This group is awesome.
flipper99 2023년 6월 13일 오후 9시 34분 
Carp where are you friend ?
Carp 2017년 12월 24일 오후 1시 20분 
Merry Christmas to all and a happy new year!
dragon reaper 2017년 4월 23일 오후 9시 48분 
For those who have Jonesybob as a friend I thought you would like to know he is no longer with us.
Carp 2016년 5월 30일 오후 2시 08분 
Remember the fallen on this day !! :starsandstripes:
Slap Happy 2015년 12월 31일 오후 4시 37분 
Wishing everyone a Happy & Safe New Year !! Love , peace and happiness is what
I wish for you all :)
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게임 중
17 채팅 중
채팅방 입장
2011년 7월 9일