Royal Society for the Preservation of Spy Crabs RSPSC
Royal Society for the Preservation of Spy Crabs RSPSC
17 мая 2009 г.
Комментариев: 32
Gabs 22 сен. 2020 г. в 13:43 
Nebuchadnever 8 апр. 2016 г. в 4:54 
I hope this group ain't ded. It's a noble cause!
Nebuchadnever 23 сен. 2015 г. в 19:19 
Noble Cause= More Members. Invited more. :coolthulhu:
Saturn 1 июл. 2015 г. в 11:00 
cyber-cat 2 keep u cumfi
Jacob's Microphone 18 авг. 2012 г. в 11:03 
slaugher? *slaughter. ^^
Sassy 2 июл. 2011 г. в 19:01 
We must preserve the spycrabs.
SpinnyOK 4 мар. 2011 г. в 16:29 
*sniff* so touching...
Lord of the Spy Crabs 28 сен. 2010 г. в 20:44 
Hullo, all. New member and happy to be one.
Spike 2 июл. 2010 г. в 17:31 
I am the 100th member!
Sideshow 14 июн. 2010 г. в 12:38 
I was playing 2fort and a spycrab captured the intelligence. Just shows the purity and powers of these creatures when they are left peacefully.
SlayerTheGuy 14 июн. 2010 г. в 1:27 
Some people have no respect for the Spy Crab I usually watch Spy Crabs crawl around the bridge in 2Fort but then some Engineer/Demoman comes and wacks him to death then I proceed to Headshot them....
Fedegon 20 мар. 2010 г. в 1:30 
I once saw a spycrab colony on a server. Truly beautiful when people don't kill them.
XxSLimBoi's FaTxX 12 янв. 2010 г. в 21:50 
I've just invented a portable spy crab turret! It defends ALL spycrabs, without giving them the need to sapit!
eVie 15 ноя. 2009 г. в 12:27 
Do we have a pledge? I, Redingold, do solemnly swear by the Announcer herself to protect spycrabs and kill their attackers!
pinko stinko 15 ноя. 2009 г. в 3:51 
I was spy crab and someone was nice enough 2 put a WARNING-SPY CRAB XING! :D
But no one listened 2 it!!! >:-(
ManBayst #343 24 окт. 2009 г. в 9:35 
I saw a spy crab and just thought what a beautiful world then an engineer killed him so i went and destroyed that engineer
Reav 1 окт. 2009 г. в 18:09 
Went Spy Crab the other day. People had no respect for my feeble life whatsoever. I was severly disappointed.
dalthurae 28 авг. 2009 г. в 16:36 
Spycrabs are like Subways. BEAUTIFUL.
Bonks 28 авг. 2009 г. в 11:56 
EliScrubbs 5 июл. 2009 г. в 22:02 
I have never harmed a spycrab, never have never will
Breadworth 19 июн. 2009 г. в 20:56 
I was killed everytime I've been a spycrab today D:
Elijah Bellie 8 июн. 2009 г. в 21:25 
This mesage is too all to spy crab hunters :F**** YOU
Jules 21 мая. 2009 г. в 13:29 
Billy we're obv king+queen spy(with you being the queen) ofc, so i think that i shallbe admin here...
System 19 мая. 2009 г. в 22:50 
it seems the hunted will become the hunter with the new gun :D. Do you feel lucky?....well do you,,punk.
enza 19 мая. 2009 г. в 10:10 
I personally vow never to kill another spycrab again
DevilSShadoW 18 мая. 2009 г. в 16:56 
i just tattoo'd a "i "heart" spycrabs" on my dingdong
Eyosh 18 мая. 2009 г. в 16:49 
Epic :D
Hibby 17 мая. 2009 г. в 21:35 
i personally think i should be admin here, cause im the sexiest and best spy, as well as billy promising me admin if i suck his balls, which i did, with great enjoyment
Tommy Testosterone 17 мая. 2009 г. в 19:27 
jemons 17 мая. 2009 г. в 19:21 
that was an alt + 3
jemons 17 мая. 2009 г. в 19:21 
i ? spy crabs