กลุ่ม STEAM
Video Game Voters Network VGVN
กลุ่ม STEAM
Video Game Voters Network VGVN
24 กันยายน 2010
United States 
เกี่ยวกับ Video Game Voters Network

Let the Gamers Voice their Opinion!

By joing this group, it shows you support the freedom of video games and the first amendment.

"The Video Game Voters Network is a place for American gamers to organize and defend against threats to video games by registering to vote and letting Congress know how important this issue is to the community. Without a critical mass of adult video game players who are registered to vote and willing to stand firmly behind their games, politicians will continue to fire criticism at games and game players in order to score easy points for their political campaigns.

Video games are fully protected speech under the Constitution, and receive the same First Amendment protection as books, movies, music and cable television programs. The Network opposes efforts to regulate the content of entertainment media, including proposals to criminalize the sale of certain games to minors, or regulate video games differently from movies, music, books, and other media. The Network also enables gamers to stay educated about issues, reach out to federal, state, and local officials, and register to vote. The Video Game Voters Network is a project sponsored by the Entertainment Software Association, a trade group representing America’s video game publishers."

Video Game Voters Network[www.videogamevoters.org]
VGVN Raise Your Voice[www.videogamevoters.org]
VGVN Learn More[www.videogamevoters.org]
Sign the Pledge!
We have Won.
26 ความเห็น
Jules Hiræther 18 ก.ย. 2015 @ 12: 03am 
Create an account With Square-Enix's GameGlobe before it's closed!
GameGlobe [hotfix-test.dev.gameglobe.com] *firefox only*
Create your own Multiplayer games, shooters, action, adventure, driving sims, etc..
Av 28 ม.ค. 2011 @ 9: 47pm 
Been slow, but I updated!
Av 1 ธ.ค. 2010 @ 4: 09pm 
A group for those who support the VGVN, I keep them updated as well. There's been no news for a while now.
Doc 1 ธ.ค. 2010 @ 11: 55am 
What is the point of this group
Av 26 พ.ย. 2010 @ 3: 41pm 
True that. Kinda irritating too.
strawberryflapjackswithsyrup 20 พ.ย. 2010 @ 10: 23pm 
well i put a comment explaining what it was but i doubt he even looks at his comments considering that 99.9% of them r about how great his vids are
0 ในแช็ต
24 กันยายน 2010
United States