/vg/ total war general /twg/ /TWG/
/vg/ total war general /twg/ /TWG/
8. august 2012
91 kommentarer
Röde Orm 8. mai 2021 kl. 10.13 
Any historychads still around? Dead group?
ragequit 1. sep. 2017 kl. 20.56 
take it ez
Schmerzbold 17. jan. 2017 kl. 0.26 
ded group ded general ded ♥♥♥♥♥♥ gayme
Maggot 25. nov. 2016 kl. 13.53 
rip /twg/
you were a good general before the mongol (/tg/) invasion
Ham 12. des. 2015 kl. 10.47 
Alone on a Friday night? Pathetic.
strongest hag in the poisonswamp 4. mai 2015 kl. 5.17 
Hengist 31. mars 2015 kl. 11.20 
Posting from the thread for that Atilla MP campaign in a few hours
JumJim 29. mars 2015 kl. 13.26 
Commander Adams Springwar 16. mars 2015 kl. 22.19 
Dansken👻 4. mars 2015 kl. 16.55 
Merapsco 17. feb. 2015 kl. 15.46 
bostondunn 20. jan. 2015 kl. 18.15 
so steam is starting to delete the links i post, because 4chan has been used for scamming. you can thank TF2 general for being a bunch of scamming ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ for that one.
ersatz 17. des. 2014 kl. 17.53 
If any of you are interested in playing mp/coop with other /twg/-goers on a more regular basis, please join:

I started a separate group instead of using this one, as to provide a more convenient gathering ground for the small minority here interested in mp.
Mikhail_Filitov 1. okt. 2014 kl. 7.54 
If anyone wants to play campaigns or just generally stomp scrub players online add me.
qwarkl 30. sep. 2014 kl. 14.17 
Why are the French such dbags?
Norsca 28. sep. 2014 kl. 22.10 
Any advice for R2 players on how to expand as Massila? The Barbs are putting up a LOT of resistance early game. Let's hope my Italico-Gallic legions can come through late game.
Ravos 5. sep. 2014 kl. 11.38 
So Rome II co op hasn't been desyncing for me, haven't tried Shogun 2 co op in like a year but when I did it was completely broken. Have they fixed Shogun 2's co op too?
Jay 17. aug. 2014 kl. 10.06 
pls add me
Cauld 5. aug. 2014 kl. 16.51 
Looking for more people for co-op and comp stomps on /k/ teamspeak just hop on and tell us you want to play total war we'll hop on as well.
Strategos 17. juli 2014 kl. 12.23 
hello guys, i am so lonely here(some real life friends only). Add me please.
Mikhail_Filitov 17. juli 2014 kl. 1.38 
Anyone want to play co-op (or versus) campaigns in Rome 2? If so shoot me a message some time.
Manukala 14. juli 2014 kl. 11.34 
Daily reminder that the British Empire never fell.
And ♥♥♥♥ the french.
yohan 16. juni 2014 kl. 14.55 
woah!!!what an epic cyberscape u have here...r u interested in becomin a franchise of MEMEBLOC???u'd get ur very own "seal of approval" and the chance to win 5000 KEKS in the upcomin transuniversal sweepstakes
Manfred Cornburg 12. juni 2014 kl. 14.29 
Welp, it's over

We had a good run though
bostondunn 9. juni 2014 kl. 19.31 
yeah i can do that if i can do it on time im sorry ive not ran the group like at all but rome 2 really killed it.
Manfred Cornburg 8. juni 2014 kl. 12.53 
/twg/ has reached old speeds again and seems to be staying there?
Time for new thread announcements again?
Old Dogg 31. mai 2014 kl. 6.02 
:spy: DONT LISEN TO WHAT THEY TELLLYOU !1       :illuminati:
boeffel 30. mai 2014 kl. 8.49 
Manukala 16. mai 2014 kl. 10.17 
Rest in piss my friends.
bostondunn 13. mai 2014 kl. 22.42 
[update] group is dead. put every last bit of blame on Rome 2
Finalweapon 23. apr. 2014 kl. 10.37 
ded group ded franchise
Grassroots 22. apr. 2014 kl. 19.54 
All this time I never thought to look for a TW group in steam. And Rome 2 is still a pos
SeaNNyT 22. feb. 2014 kl. 8.04 
[UPDATE] Rome 2 is still a piece of ♥♥♥♥. Carry on.
Kaiserhawk 18. jan. 2014 kl. 7.34 
UserX 3. des. 2013 kl. 2.27 
any1 want to m2tw? 1v1
Bjslim 11. nov. 2013 kl. 18.00 
Pillage Idiot 6. nov. 2013 kl. 5.34 
bring on the hordes
76561198053301262 3. okt. 2013 kl. 2.18 
Did anyone notice after becoming Empire then save and reload, you go back to being Rome again?
Nagi Aoe 22. sep. 2013 kl. 4.29 
Shogun 2 dead.
mac 15. sep. 2013 kl. 22.07 
hot dogs
pwnfails 7. sep. 2013 kl. 14.03 
51st for Barbarian Invasion II
Thug Shaker 7. sep. 2013 kl. 12.53 
guys Im poor as ♥♥♥♥

tell me how and why R2TW is bad

I wanna know so I wouldnt be disappointed when I play it
TheBlueSheep 7. sep. 2013 kl. 6.43 
anyone want to do some MP battles? Send me a PM
weasel 6. sep. 2013 kl. 6.43 
I'm going to forget Rome II ever existed. Flanax ;_;
DeepEnd 3. sep. 2013 kl. 4.41 
Welp, let's hope TW: Alexander will fix the issues r2 has now
Captain Lysander 2. sep. 2013 kl. 19.33 
go into town early, pumped to buy the game, only to find out I cant play because it wont be released on Steam till later when im at work. Well, atleast I have my Onager
Ruby 1. sep. 2013 kl. 13.06 
Aussie player here, firebird.
Edgar Styles 28. aug. 2013 kl. 23.48 
guess this is our new "synchtube" room we can watch cool youtube videos together, and chat about things.
Nagi Aoe 28. aug. 2013 kl. 0.08 
Any oz players out there?
Murrican and Euro players have 2-4 second delay.