T&B Gaming Group TomandBen
T&B Gaming Group TomandBen
25 March, 2013
All Announcements > Announcement Details


Rate up
* SirSkyvist 9 Mar, 2014 @ 9:12am 
Just gifted L4D and L4D2 to TomFallion!
* SirSkyvist 9 Mar, 2014 @ 8:27am 
If anyone wants a relatively cheap game, I just put some more money on my debit card
Prolific-ForSaleTradeALLMustGo 6 Mar, 2014 @ 1:43pm 
this is great really is. I do have a question. DSo gifters donate directly or what? Cause I see only a comment or 2 about donating and you say 68 games have been donated. Was wondering if you are posting the gifts and donators also? 2 questions, thanks. :)
TomFallion 25 Feb, 2014 @ 1:49pm 
Tom again here,
Some people have been having technical difficulties during the last Steam update. A player by the name of EdwardP has wanted to receive the game DayZ Standalone.
(Hey guys, I wouldnt mind getting this either)
So yup, if anyone else has this problem, tell a friend or tell me and we will comment for you or fix the issue.
TomFallion 25 Feb, 2014 @ 1:38pm 
I was not here over the weekend, but in my absence we had donated over 68 games! 1 games away from a really great number comon! Im rather shocked that nobody has out-donated Atlas yet, so Atlas, great work, and you will remain the player of the week until you are dethroned. Keep up the good work guys!
Cmd Decay 19 Feb, 2014 @ 3:14pm 
oooh i could also take a copy of wanderlust if possible
Devil and Daniel Webster 19 Feb, 2014 @ 2:47pm 
Atlas, I will take a copy of Wanderlust if possible!
TomFallion 18 Feb, 2014 @ 7:26pm 
End of Day one. We currently gave away 9 games, and the top donator was Atlas, giving 3 games to our cause. He will be the Player of the week until someone knocks him off of the throne. Good Luck Ladies and Gents.
Atlas 18 Feb, 2014 @ 6:57pm 
I have 2 copies of Wanderlust and 1 copy of Frozen Synapse I can gift anyone, I also have plenty of trading cards I never use if anyone would like to trade :)
TomFallion 18 Feb, 2014 @ 12:18pm 
It should be sending to you any moment now :)