The Panda Group
The Panda Group
게임 중
2009년 3월 24일
The Panda Group 정보

Awesome Pandas

Everyone knows that pandas are awesome, and they are also awesome at gaming. You can join us if you like. But! You need to follow the rules first:
2. Read this to waste your time.
3. The rule above is not necessary.
4. Why are you reading this?
5. The rule list stops here.
6. The rule above is a lie.
7. There are 7 rules. Pandas count best.

You may want to put " 's Panda" or a "The Panda" or just a simple "Panda" anywhere at the back of your name will do. (eg. Takua's Panda, Takua The Panda, The Fat Panda) Cause' its more awesome like that. And last of all (which I already mentioned) Pandas are awesome.

Did I mention pandas are awesome?

Also, I hope the rules are not to strict for you guys to follow I know its hard to count and only pandas can (its a hard fact), but its the truth, I'm sorry. If you'd like to join just give me a message or ask one of our fellow pandarians to invite you. Another thing is that if you join us, you would know how to count like a panda! How awesome.

Oh, before I put this thing to bed, pub games are pub games for a reason, do not treat it like a scrim, it's just a pub for you to chill and enjoy the game not an eyeball-popping game. Just chill for god sakes.

So, enjoy your time (wasted) here!

Have I mentioned how awesome pandas are? Click please.[]
The link above is a lie.[]
Pands are awesome. Oh and, This link is a lie too.[]
인기 토론글
최근 공지
I am amazed.
We are 1 year and a month old.
댓글 21
BarfingRainbows 2012년 3월 9일 오후 6시 50분 
Hey this is me.. aka.. Avitar.. I just got a new Game Server.. check it out
Ve 2010년 5월 3일 오전 8시 51분 
Why does this group's members always drop down to 59 lol
spore 2010년 1월 31일 오후 8시 24분 
takua panclub D:?
Cwosant 2009년 11월 11일 오전 5시 07분 
Pandas ftw
spore 2009년 10월 8일 오전 4시 13분 
60th mine :|
Takua 2009년 9월 29일 오전 7시 04분 
Yes, more than a month later and finally a reply.

And those are original and you know it. Its what I'd like to call innovation. :D
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2009년 3월 24일