{T-E} Orange server
{T-E} Orange server
2010 年 5 月 23 日
United States 
关于 {T-E} Orange server

Please come and play Orange / Stock / Custom maps at BoD| ip:

If you want to stay in the group I will invite you to play other Orange Map servers.
I thank you all for joining.
Since {T-E} disbanded many of there members have joined BoD| Including one of the Founders
(Brothers of Destiny) and are playing on thier Day of Defeat servers now. Bod| Has many events running one one server: / Orange Map rotation / "Sniper Sunday" event / Stock Map rotation / and Custom Maps.

Brothers Of Destiny Clan: My new home[]
Slydog is retired from Gaming, You could have a reunion with other Orange Map players now.
I would not buy this again! (The Razer Mamba Gaming Mouse)
26 条留言
Slydog /-DH-\ 2011 年 9 月 8 日 下午 7:04 
A new Orange Map server with many of our old friends!
Brothers of Destiny, Orange Map / Event Server ip:

Please copy and Paste the ip# to your favorites and join us in the fun.
Slydog /-DH-\ 2011 年 6 月 5 日 下午 11:43 
{T-E} Clan has closed all servers and disbanded.

RaZor and I have joined the " Brothers Of Destiny" Clan.
Please check out our websight and join us in Teamspeak, the teamspeak information is on our websight.

We have a public DOds server, a Scrim server and two BC2 Servers.
Please sighn in and check us out.
Slydog /-DH-\ 2011 年 1 月 20 日 上午 8:29 
I would not buy this again, The Razer Mamba Gaming mouse.

I am sending back my mouse RMA for the second time.
It has had multiple issues.
1. Thumb button sticking.
2. Non responsive, it just stops working in game for no reason even when I use it with the cord.
3. Cook off. It acts like the left click button is sticking but it does not seem to be a hardware issue.

When this thing works correctly I love it I am just getting tired of sending it back for RMA.
Every time I have to send a copy of the recipt and the model and serial numbers even though I have it rgistered with them already. Then I get to wait for the RMA to be processed and the shipping time back and forth. I think it is time for Logitech to make a mouse allot like it, that works.
Slydog /-DH-\ 2010 年 11 月 20 日 下午 4:58 
Please keep the language "G" rated and be respectful of everyone.
Slydog /-DH-\ 2010 年 9 月 6 日 下午 8:18 
Gamer "sockhand" was our 1,000 th member to join. Thanks to him and everyone who joined this group.
Slydog /-DH-\ 2010 年 9 月 6 日 下午 8:12 
Thanks to LoLo and everyone that invites there friends to join this group.

If everyone invites 10 of your friends
we can likely double this Steam Group membership in a few days.
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2010 年 5 月 23 日
United States