Tested TST
Tested TST
11. maaliskuuta 2010
63 kommenttia
Herbaceous 5.3.2021 klo 19.01 
haha, is the server still up?
D⭕⭕M Guy Jeff 28.12.2016 klo 19.18 
Hay Either of you guys ADD ME! i got oculus rift + Touch and would love to try some games out with you guys anytime..
Puff^Sullivan 25.3.2016 klo 12.13 
Add me norman i love you man!!!!! PLS me ADD ME NORM!!!
Thunder-Slash 6.10.2014 klo 5.50 
Ya'll should follow this curator.
RNSpeedy 7.6.2014 klo 22.18 
Sub Par 25.4.2014 klo 9.46 
Is this group dead?
Mesnaga 1.2.2014 klo 5.54 
Yeah TF2 Tuesdays would be good
Vico 31.1.2014 klo 10.26 
So I heard something about TFTuesdays happening?
MAKUSHIN 13.9.2012 klo 15.01 
So, is this dead?
I've never seen people on the server.
AlisterCat 14.5.2012 klo 14.10 
I really doubt Jamie has time for games... but that would be hilarious.
Gil 16.3.2012 klo 19.12 
We must know... do the Mythbusters have TF2 accounts?
Brunchies 28.12.2011 klo 16.56 
i'll take it
DonkeyScrotes 28.12.2011 klo 16.54 
Would anyone like a copy of the orange box? Got it as a christmas gift.
abarrant 5.9.2011 klo 4.42 
There might be some crossover with Giant Bomb's Steam group here but, add me to your friends list please. I'm trying to populate my list with awesome people who like awesome content.
mary_effn_poppns 4.9.2011 klo 16.10 
Alright! Gonna start getting mah tested on!
AlwaysBeCorgi 25.8.2011 klo 13.17 
Ah snap, TNTESTED is go!
nickb64 11.8.2011 klo 13.28 
I can never get connected to the TF2 server :(
Charlie 12.7.2011 klo 6.49 
That was a lot of fun last night! Sorry for disconnecting a few times, but my computer kept freezing/blue-screening. Just updated a bunch of drivers, so hopefully that won't happen any more!
Charlie 11.7.2011 klo 9.05 
Come join us!
Heliosicle 22.4.2011 klo 9.33 
tell Amazon to fix your hosting!
Porrgo 5.4.2011 klo 20.32 
LPDirtytea 27.3.2011 klo 7.59 
Awesome, looking forward to playing more TF2... and avoid buying hats!
Spiffy 17.3.2011 klo 16.02 
Ehm the TF2 server is in need of an update, could someone with the power to do so please do so?
Stef 12.3.2011 klo 4.31 
I'm the 777th member! Also what time was the TNT on last night? i went on about 10pm in the UK and no one knew of any TNT
Liminality 19.2.2011 klo 12.28 
We had a great TF2 game yesterday
leave me alone 18.2.2011 klo 20.16 
Dudes should make a Monday Night Combat server!
Vash108 16.12.2010 klo 10.54 
I may have to check out this server once I move my PC
Nick Lott 16.12.2010 klo 10.18 
I feel great about this being here.
notthatWillsmith 23.11.2010 klo 22.58 
The CODBLOPS server all start with Giant Bomb ][ Tested ][ One in Chicago, one in LA, one in Amsterdam
Zanetsu 14.11.2010 klo 4.28 
What's the name of the Black Ops server?
AquaticPear 20.9.2010 klo 15.25 
Zero 19.9.2010 klo 13.57 
I have arrived! The Laughing Man is here!
LordAndrew 9.9.2010 klo 20.27 
Just want to say that Tested did some fantastic work at the Big Live Live Show Live. Keep it up.
GTFShadow 6.9.2010 klo 18.06 
Buster Friendly 18.8.2010 klo 19.09 
Server's been nothing but chirping crickets the past few days. Come on, boys and girls. SCREAMIN' EAGLES!!!!!!
juicysnacks 28.7.2010 klo 16.12 
Hey guys! Big fan of GiantBomb and Tested, Y2Ken on both those sites.
Vash108 28.7.2010 klo 16.10 
Is there a list of servers up?
Sado 24.7.2010 klo 16.23 
They nerfed the tesla cannon... *cry*
Sado 20.7.2010 klo 15.31 
Alien Swarm is friggin sweet. Am I rite?
Rorschach 14.7.2010 klo 8.20 
and info on Thursday night throwdown available?
Pufferknot 5.7.2010 klo 11.40 
Woo!! Love Tested and Giantbomb
VisualLoc 29.6.2010 klo 12.33 
awesome just joined up! I am urbansunset on tested
GTFShadow 18.6.2010 klo 16.47 
w00t w00t joined!
skywing 21.5.2010 klo 18.31 
Lutefisk 20.5.2010 klo 14.19 
I suggest we get a Mac vs.PC Killingfloor night going, since they're out for both platforms now.
CapnChrispy 20.5.2010 klo 10.13 
I think it's funny that Will made himself the POTW...
ToothVore 15.5.2010 klo 23.05 
we need to get some TF2 nights going
stephengotlost 15.5.2010 klo 19.22 
YeOldBacon 15.5.2010 klo 3.40 