Team Exetreme 1 -Ҳ1-
Team Exetreme 1 -Ҳ1-
1 Aralık 2007
Team Exetreme 1 HAKKINDA

Team -Ҳ1-

Want to join -X1-? Filling this application and answering at least all the required fields per your requirement for joining us prior to getting a tryout.
I will be creating this application form, for now post a new thread with the following information. If you see a * that means this is required for you to answer and to be as creative as possible, providing as much information as possible as we might deny your application.

Our expectance from you must be loyalty, honesty, and especially respect for all the members of the community most importantly the leader, and other high ranked members of the clan wearing your tag for all the servers which is required. Participation, in these forums, in-games and in our team-speak is not really required though we don't recommend it as you might feel left out and really won't have much fun, otherwise what is the "point" ? You are encouraged to communicate with players part of -X1- and we hope you contribute as much as possible. Before you consider joining, make sure you able to participate is clan war events and to play at least 3 times a week, (unless your our on holiday/vacation of course or elsewhere)

The latest recruits online status will be on "probation"; meaning that until your trial has been finished your officially part of the team and will be added to the roster/members list as soon as possible. How ever regardless of the terms, if you violate any of these expectations you might be temporarily/permanently removed from the clan and removed from the roster/members list. It's important you get to know us, especially the leader (-X1-Panther) or/and the high ranked onces. Contact information is available below.

Note: The use of bots/cheats/hacks/aids to enhance your gameplay is unacceptable and if suspected or caught will result in your removal from the clan and in these forums permanently without or with warning. We will take note of this and announce it.. so becareful!
========================================================= =========================================

a) What is your online gaming name? Specify the name you would like to use for the clan (inc -X1- Tag)
b) ASL (Age, sex location) Meaning how old you are, male or female, and country. Male or female. where ever your from, any age
-- Warm welcomes to you all!
c) Operating system? Meaning if you have Windows, MAC...
d) Where did you find out and why you want to join?
e) Have you left a clan, and want to join? If so why did you leave...
- Specify the clan(s) you have been with.
- How long have you been with them?
- Why would we want to recruit you?
- Strengths/Weaknesses? What makes you stand out?
- Can you contribute to the clan in any ways? If so let us know..
f) Do you have teamspeak client installed?
g) Do you have a microphone?
h) Do you have xfire installed? /MSN or any other?
i) How long have you been gaming?
================================================================= =================================
We look for applicants that is very formal and like to know alot about you, so take your time!
Any problems/issues contact information below:

-X1-Panther (Leaders xfire x1panther)
-X1-Kaz (2nd in Command - Xfire x1kaz)
-X1-Sting (2nd in Command - Xfire x1will)

Team -X1- 2nd in Command
Xfire: X1Kaz // xckilla

Team -X1-[]
Team -X1- War-planet Group[]
New Website
borderlands 2
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1 Aralık 2007