.:|The Devils Rejects GunGame|:. ¤ŧĐя¤
.:|The Devils Rejects GunGame|:. ¤ŧĐя¤
14 Ιουνίου 2009
34 σχόλια
BigBusinessBoris 21 Δεκ 2021, 18:02 
aFriend|yCow 17 Απρ 2018, 12:00 
______________ ,-、         ,.-、
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    /    ●                ヽ|______WoAh!
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    ` 、                    /_____FuCkInG AwEsOmE ¤ŧĐя¤! ♥:meowric:
      `ー 、__             /
aFriend|yCow 2 Φεβ 2017, 10:56 
"aFriend|yCow_{HoF} Aug 21, 2014 @ 7:27pm
that's cool."

Sarcastic tone I did.
but srsly, TDR still the best clan in my book.
Arctic. Pikachu 11 Ιαν 2017, 20:10 
Guys wtf
aFriend|yCow 21 Αυγ 2014, 19:27 
that's cool.
de_lonmusk 21 Αυγ 2014, 19:05 
It has. A sad, slow death :(

I still rep my clan tags in CSS.
aFriend|yCow 7 Φεβ 2014, 17:32 
I believe TDR Clan has Died. :cfacepalm:
Masta_Chiefer420 2 Δεκ 2013, 17:37 
what happen to our server's :( i download CS:S again and go to join and i cant find them
★ Luigi 28 Απρ 2013, 10:19 
missed you guys havnt been on for a while.
Owl 21 Φεβ 2012, 16:06 
TDR- I am back and will be playing for all of you tonight. :] Missed Counterstrike but, yeah I'm back :]
aubri 18 Φεβ 2012, 8:29 
is there not a vent anymore? :\
Polardude 5 Φεβ 2012, 23:15 
Hey, i was just on the elimination gungame, for some reason i was permbanned because i was suspected of multihacks. I apologize if this isn't the place to complain about it but can I at least speak to darkdragontc so I can understand why he banned me. I don't hack, i don't even understand how to get hacks. anyways, a response would be much appreciated. Thanks
Owl 18 Ιαν 2012, 15:11 
Still Alive, computer died on me from dropping it. In the process of rebuilding.. I'll be on soon :] Miss you guys.
aubri 14 Αυγ 2011, 19:40 
i don't really know how i got into this group, but the devil's rejects as well as the house of 1000 corpses is my favorite horror movie so :D but idk i guess i'll start playing on the gungame~~~
owL 23 Μαϊ 2011, 16:41 
de_lonmusk 30 Ιαν 2011, 19:05 
Nad, wtf happened to the website?
de_lonmusk 31 Δεκ 2010, 13:09 
Woohoo.. I like it when there aren't really good people on so I can win my PTS back lol
Weebles 7 Δεκ 2010, 23:06 
Please note that we have changed the servers!!


Please add to your favorites!
TeeuQ 24 Νοε 2010, 9:01 
W00T Finally found the steamgroup lol
Nad.tdr 23 Νοε 2010, 14:38 
Sorry about the crashing lately guys, shitty host is to blame, switching to a new one this week!
de_lonmusk 20 Νοε 2010, 8:50 
MurderFace 12 Οκτ 2010, 18:40 
I love you GGM server I and would love to be a part of your clan... let me know what i need to do
Fedex 30 Σεπ 2010, 13:32 
Yo the dust2 server just crashed gg are still down as well
KyleKatarn 29 Αυγ 2010, 6:12 
By far BEST GunGame servers online! Thank you!!
Munkailele 26 Ιουλ 2010, 14:40 
200 members!
Liam 4 Ιουν 2010, 19:14 
Munkailele 18 Φεβ 2010, 18:22

aFriend|yCow 8 Φεβ 2010, 20:30 
1rob3rt 28 Νοε 2009, 14:44 
yeah she first blocked me on steam comments "ew" on my picture of me smoking on facebook and removes me on there too lol
aFriend|yCow 24 Σεπ 2009, 2:34 
as in ¤TÐR¤Steph
aFriend|yCow 24 Σεπ 2009, 2:33 
so why step. block me compeletly I rarely talk to her?
@Robin HOod SoN@ 18 Ιουν 2009, 12:24 
we the best lose it 15 Ιουν 2009, 13:19 
you should blow me :)
@Robin HOod SoN@ 14 Ιουν 2009, 20:29 
i should be added to the administrators :)