{T.M.X} Elite Gaming Community {T.M.X}
{T.M.X} Elite Gaming Community {T.M.X}
게임 중
2013년 4월 19일
{T.M.X} Elite Gaming Community 정보

Welcome to Targetmasters Elite Gaming Community. The place to be for finding mature gamers who game hard.

Welcome to TargetMasters Gaming Community, your place to be for for a friendly, mature and active community. The group is open and for active members who take part in a community and join events, we accept anyone from old school/ hardcore gamers through to multiplayers through a range of games. Our forums are always running and don't hesitate to contact support whatever help or assisstance, we are always here and will respond within 24 hours. We operate using a helpdesk with a ticket support for all your needs.

TargetMasters is a growing community and hopes in time to introduce new features, apps, servers and many more bonuses. Everyone will be kept upto date through our news section or on our steam group.

All The Best from The Administrators of Targetmasters.

TeampSpeak IP:

T.M.X/8Bit/Essence Servers:-

Rust: (non-functional at the moment.)
OR A VERY Friendly server:

Press F1, type: client.connect IP
*Rust Fixed The Server Problems now! But you can join faster tihs way!*

T.M.X Elite Staff:-
-ExplosiveKilla(Co-Owner/Event organiser/Website Engineer)
-Essence Dev.~ Dan Strudfelt - (Developer/Administrator)
-Spaced - (Forum/Comment Moderator)
-8BitHayden/Presto_88/Essence - (Server Hosters)
인기 토론글
최근 공지
ColdFusion Servers, TMX members get 500 free credits!
[Twitch]: Otagichan
댓글 8
Not Dan 2015년 8월 24일 오후 9시 17분 
1v1 Server complete and a Battle Royal server complete for Counter Strike Global Offensive, These will be 24/7 on September 1st I will then post the IP addresses in an announcement.
Not Dan 2015년 7월 31일 오후 1시 16분 
Anyone here play csgo community servers? such as 1v1, surf, bhop or idle servers? I am working on a 1v1 server atm, and will move on to the others as time passes. :)
JoJo 2015년 7월 29일 오후 8시 43분 
yes it has :steamhappy:
Medkitshere/ttv 2015년 1월 30일 오후 2시 12분 
Thank you for inviting me, tho its been 2 years since i was here so you have no clue how happy i am to be back.
KharnTheKhan 2014년 1월 13일 오후 12시 38분 
Just a little note of advice for all you terraria fans there is a new game in beta called starbound its around the same thing as terraria and its even better in some aspects but it is just in beta so more to come and only 15.00 an amazing deal