SCRAM! Testing Group SCRAM!
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SCRAM! Testing Group SCRAM!
5 Σεπτεμβρίου 2017
ΠΕΡΙ SCRAM! Testing Group

A Game About Money, Mutiny, and Mustaches.

This group was formerly used for testing projects I was working on, but given that I've since realized that Steam groups are pretty lousy at actually communicating messages since they don't show up in the notification bar, I thought it best to wrap things up on this front.

If you're still interested in this project (it's named Sunken Soliloquy now), feel free to join the linked Discord server, but this group's gonna remain dormant for the foreseeable future. Be seeing ya!

Playtest Discord[discord.gg]
SCRAM! v102 has been released!
  • Completely Redesigned "Baffiorte" Boss!
  • 1 All New Boss
  • New Inventory Screen
  • Consumable Items
  • (Buggy) Local Multiplayer
  • Tons of Sprite Changes
  • UI Redesigns
  • ... and a ton of other stuff I can't seem to remember!
You can download it here![www.dropbox.com]

I promise the next update'll come out faster, but if you'd like to know how development's going on as it happens, why not join the SCRAM! Discord?[discord.gg] It's freeeeee!

Until next time, keep on sailin'!


[The State of SCRAM! - April 2019] + A New Game
A Beforeword

Before you get worried about the title, don't! It's not a giving up on anything or remaking of anything either; it's a completely separate, non-SCRAM! game that I'll be explainin' later in this post!

The State of SCRAM! - April 2019

It's been a bit too long since I've posted anything up on here, and I'd like to take a chance to apologize for that. Needless to say, bein' sick and having exams to deal with sure do put a damper on the kinda stuff I'd rather be up to, but I think I'm just about done with that whole borin' bunch, so things should get back to normal within a week or two on the development front!

That bein' said, given that I've not had much time to work on things, I have some good news and some bad news. Since I'd like to get it outta the way, lemme throw the bad news out there first and foremost:

The Bad News

So, SCRAM! v102 is still roughly a month away from completion.

I've not exactly had much opportunity to work on it over the past month since I've been having to deal with a particularly annoying "thesis" paper. Even though there's still plenty o' work to be done doesn't mean no work's been done, though! All the features planned for v102 have already been rough-drafted programming wise, and chief among 'em is the new inventory tabs and consumable items!

Before you ask, no, the main reason for me adding usable items wasn't just to make silly puns and stuff, but even if it was, can ye really blame me for it? Puns are fun, okay?

I'll also be working on some changes to the camera system used in SCRAM!, namely making the camera remain steady when fighting a boss and stuff, as well as a bunch more quality-of-life type changes that'll hopefully make the game a lot more pleasant to play!

That bein' said, what exactly is the good news?

The Good News

Just because I have nothing to show for one game doesn't mean I don't have anything to show for ANY game. As it just so happens, as a part of my "computer science" class' final exam, I was tasked to make a interesting program with only a handful of class hours to work on it and I wasn't able to just submit something I'd already made unfortunately!

However, I put in a decent amount of effort, and the very short and very simple BORGLOR QUEST was what came out! It might be just a basic little platformer where you run around and jump on fruit enemies, but I did give a couple of mechanics I'd not object to having in SCRAM! a try in there (such as scrolling backgrounds, camera pathfinding, and boss attack sequences) and I feel like it came out pretty well!

Feel free to give it a try if you'd like![www.dropbox.com]

Before ya ask, no, Borglor Quest will not be receiving any sort o' update or extra content... it was a fun little side project for me to test out my programmin' mettle under limited time constraints, but now that I've finished with it, I can go back to puttin' my undivided attention on SCRAM! !

I'll be posting a normal SCRAM! Update Teaser either next week or the week after, and you can expect a decent amount of stuff to be shown off then! Again, sorry for the wait, and until next time, keep on sailin'!


2 σχόλια
Cosmoose 3 Ιαν 2018, 14:02 
I got 500 hp, try to beat that Panic!
Asteur 30 Σεπ 2017, 17:58 
Thanks for the invite, Jolly! I'm actually glad you did invite me, I love playtesting, searching for bugs, and all those kinds of fun things, hopefully I will be able to help!
5 Σεπτεμβρίου 2017