I can't have fun without winning ICHFWW
I can't have fun without winning ICHFWW
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2015년 7월 10일
I can't have fun without winning 정보

If you're reading this, then you need to stop trying so hard.

If you do any of the following:

- Buffing against an un-buffed opponent.
- Wear any combination of Jesters, Hexer's Hood, Llewellyn, Havels, or Ironclad armor.
- Using a metabuild or an Obobobuild unironically.
- Use a Chaos Blade, Warped Sword, Ice Rapier, Estoc, or a Santier's Spear.
- Using the Watchers, Defenders, Llewellyn, or Cleric's shield for non-fashion souls reasons.
- Intentionally r1 or r2 spamming
- Walk in a circle unlocked then sprinting R1 out of nowhere.
- Backstab-fishing.
- Backstabbing with an UGS, Curved GS or Great Hammer more than once.
- Heal in the arena or during a duel.
- Using a Straightsword, Longsword, or Katana whilst wearing heavy armor.
- Parry attempt more than once every 10 seconds.
- Use Great Magic Barrier or Sacred Oath at any time.
- Use Affinity, Homing Soul Mass, Homing Soul Arrow, or Scraps of Life at any time.
- Pull out a faster-swinging weapon when your opponent has low health.
- Healing whilst Ganking.
- Or the most cardinal of sins, disconnecting.

Then you are trying too hard at the game. Please remember that winning isn't everything. Losing in a videogame shouldn't affect your ego or sense of worth, and nobody is going to look down on you for it, but we will if you are a tryhard. Instead, try being creative with your build instead of, and i'll say it again, trying so hard.
인기 토론글
댓글 5
Siouxsie 2018년 9월 7일 오후 1시 47분 
Can you believe my doctor lied right to my face and told me my daughter wouldn't get autism from her vaccinations?

Lemme tell you something, i'd rather my daughter spend her life in an iron lung because of polio than be socially awkward and watch naruto all damn day.
Astran 2015년 8월 1일 오후 10시 05분 
So Jizz you invited me here for stomping you in the game, who's worring too much about the game you or me?

I mean those points are fine but i go as a pure mage and i need to use all of my spells to do the damage, you cant just ban the spells that you dont like when is sooo fucking easy to dodge them, just remembar that.
RPDxTyrant 2015년 8월 1일 오전 8시 48분 
YARP.YARP 2015년 7월 18일 오전 1시 21분 
I had fun smashing you ᕦ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕤ
Ken-sama 2015년 7월 10일 오후 4시 45분 
Be sure to invite anybody you come across who fits the description above!
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2015년 7월 10일