Smurfy Fortress smurfy-tf2
Smurfy Fortress smurfy-tf2
19 October, 2012
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So long and thanks for all the fish

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VxWolf 24 Apr, 2022 @ 11:24pm 
Damn I miss this place, I wish I could have at least witnessed it's final moments
Yarr! goosmurf 9 Apr, 2019 @ 2:36am 
Bit late but thanks Joker for keeping Smurfy alive all these years. Smurfy is truly something special and you did a great job maintaining its smurfiness.

It was great to pop in for one last game and heartwarming to see more than a few "old timers" again. Real life is busy for me these days so there's not much time for gaming but I'm super grateful to have played alongside all of you smurfs.

TF2 was a huge part of my life for a few years; I'd jump on almost every night for 2-3 hours and I cherish the screenshots and videos from those days. The game itself was good but it's the people you play with who really make it a great experience, so thanks to all of you! :thumbsup:

It's super awesome to see all of the various sub-groups that formed through Smurfy and I hope one day I'll bump into a bunch of yous in whatever games we're playing when we're truly "elder" smurfs. :goodie:
BAD BREATH ☣☢☠ 30 Mar, 2019 @ 5:50pm 
Great times and Memories had by all Mr J.

Thanks for all your investments and great times Joker.
From Competitions to fun nights and crazy singing and whistling, we have had some really awesome times and games.
Every time Joker comes on to the server it is quickly filled, you have been the glue that binds this community.

It will be sad to see The Smurfy servers gone but lets face it its just as sad to see them empty and unused.

Great work everyone for making it such a fun place to play. And Great work Joker for taking on board the financial burden for so long.

MarioPfhorG 30 Mar, 2019 @ 2:01am 
I was there when the first smurfy servers were gaining ground in 2014, I was there when goosmurf said goodbye and you took over to keep the servers going. However I myself must admit that I do not have as much time as I used to either. I think it happens to all of us, we hit a point in our lives where we just can't fit in the amount of hours into our favourite games as we used to. Commitments such as career, studies, you meet someone, wife, kids, moving out, travel, whatever it may be, it all just... takes over. And that's not a bad thing, but I personally barely have time as it is to log into TF2... let alone our beloved servers. So as sad as it is to hear it's all closing up, I haven't showed up in ages.
Smurfy will forever have great memories for me and I have noticed in the few times I've logged in that the servers are usually dead.
Farewell Smurfy Fortress, may we meet in other games & communities.
Mister 30 Mar, 2019 @ 1:22am 
oh noes! That's sad :steamsad:

This was the first community that I really felt at home with, not just on TF2, but on the internet as a whole. I've met so many wonderful people, and it was always a pleasant place to be. A truly comfortable place. It's also the conceptual birthplace for Phoenix Ember , a group started to reflect the code and tight knit community that Smurfy was to me (but broader, not linked to servers / a single game).

Anyway, thanks to the admins past / present, and the players. You've all been great, and part of something that's made the internet a better place to be! :lunar2019smilingpig:
Scapegoat 30 Mar, 2019 @ 1:10am 
Good times were had back in the day, thanks to making my childhood bearable, im sad to see you go, but i understand all good things have to end.
Dank Prince Vegeta 30 Mar, 2019 @ 1:09am 
Can't believe this is happening, a lot of good times were spent on smurfy back in the days
Rawrster 17 Mar, 2019 @ 5:51am 
neddy 17 Mar, 2019 @ 2:11am 
Great times were had on smurfy since 2014.
Hands down the best online community I've been part of.
Thanks to everyone for some great games!
やめろ!! 16 Mar, 2019 @ 7:25am 
It's been great playing on Smurfy servers, thanks for the memories and the great people on it. It was really fun but I suppose it's time to say good bye :(