Sharing Sharer
Sharing Sharer
21. januar 2013
OM Sharing

Gifts and Thoughts

This group is focused on helping gamers to easily find what they are looking (from daily deals to special offers) as well as delivering entertaining elements to share and talk about.
I mainly created this group to give some games away but it would be great to see it grow to a friendly sharing community: where gamers can share their gaming experience with others.

1) No spamming (Please do not post referral links)
2) No insults
3) To join the group, you have to be not known as a leecher or have bad reputation. Only an Admin can sent invitations and every new member will have to create a welcome giveaway upon joining the group.
4) Make sure to visit the group's profile at least once a week. Inactive members will have to leave.
5) You must be active in chat and the discussion topics, if you want us to post more giveaways.
6) Please use to post large blocks of text in chat
7) Trading is only allowed under moderation.
8) You need to read and understand the S. Gifts rules before entering a giveaway!
10) If you win more than once in giveaways for this group, then we invite you to create one in return. This is to prevent that the same members are contributing towards the group

Failing to abide by these rules will unfortunalty force us to kick you out of the group without warning. Members that are kicked out or left the group won't be able to rejoin.

Other Info
1) Gaming events are mostly likely posted on weekends. We will use the discussion threads and the Event area to inform everyone about them.
2) Gifting: We will reward our top contributors and gifters with a special group rank.

On behalf of the entire Sharing group Staff I would like to take the chance to once again thank all our members who have been kind enough to share games through group giveaways as well as giving keys and gifts away in chat.

Have Fun!
Steamgift foolishing with Value
35 kommentarer
refeez 3. apr. 2013 kl. 6:42 
Digger 29. mar. 2013 kl. 8:19 
20 min left for open give away good luck
Sir Matthius 27. mar. 2013 kl. 16:47 
Digger 26. mar. 2013 kl. 8:50 
To all members
I must say that I´m really angry about my Giveaway situation.
After 2 hours left on the GA I decided to delete the gift cause on 102 entries and 45 thank yous I could see that more than 50% don´t care about our rules.
I´m sorry that it came like that (just to those who thanked me)
Well in the future if stuff like that happen againe I think we have to do more radical desitions.

People who didn´t eaven read our rules made an entrie, just because they get a massege of the giveaway. Farming games is not tollerated and a specialy not with out a thx.
Stay tuned for more information later...