Sew Meeting Sew Meeting
초대된 회원만 가입 가능
Sew Meeting Sew Meeting
게임 중
2012년 1월 6일
Sew Meeting 정보

Sew Meeting [SwMt]

Welcome to the SwMt (Sew Meeting) Clan Group
SwMt is mostly on Call Of Duty: Black Ops. We do play other games like CS:GO or other CoD's from time to time.
We always stick to the rules, make gaming fun is our first rule.

#1 Black Ops 1 Competitive Sniping clan
- Existed since 2009.
- Undefeated since 04-04-12.
- No one can join SwMt, except by being asked by one of us.

  • Tant Greta
  • Thillen
  • TitaniumJaw
  • Haijmat

Leaders COD
  • Capone

  • Released
  • Nisse
  • JamBe
  • Flasher
  • Cook
  • Blade
  • Aizen
  • Papr1ka
  • Zeus
  • Bricka
  • Haze'd
  • Pure'Mz
  • Zura
  • Slash
  • Amlaith
  • iMaGiNe
  • Green!
  • HeCTiik
  • Orion
  • Zodiac
  • Redcore
  • Legacy
  • Yakeen
  • Ronox
  • Wizzeh - pity member

Black Ops 1 Clan Wars
CW: Won: 38 ▬ Lost: 3

Black Ops 2 Clan Wars
Won: 1 ▬ Lost: 0
08-01-13 vs Sinic 4vs4 : 2 - 0 SnD

Sew Meeting BO Sniper Only - Server is online IP: Sew Meeting Unranked - Server is online IP:

Steam Groups

Sew Meeting at Youtube
Sew Meeting at Facebook[]
인기 토론글
최근 공지
Command - Description

admincheck - Get admingroup of player
admingroups - Show all avaible admin groups
adminlist - Get list of admins online
alias - Get all nicknames used for player
ban - Bans player for chosen amount of days, default pemanent
challenge - Enter a specific challenge
changemap - Set next map
closeranks - Get closest players in skill score
cmdlist - Shows a list of avaible commands
country - Get current country of players ip
drank - Adds you score in drinking minigame (minigame only command)
drunkmode - Toggle player to not track skill
duel - Start a duel minigame vs a player
endminigame - Leave current minigame
heatmap - Get hit precentage of body parts
help - Get description and parameter description for a command
introductionmessage - Set the introduction message of a player
ipdatamatch - Get current nickname of all accounts with matching ip data
join - Join an active group minigame
kick - Kick a player
lastskillcalc - Get your last skillpoint calculation
lastskills - Get your last skillpoint results
location - Get current location of players ip
locationmatch - Get current nickname of all accounts with same city
minigamestats - Get players stats in minigames
minigamestatus - Get your curren't stats of active minigame
nextmap - Get info about next map
players - Show all players with ther current slot number
pm - Sends message to player
race - Start a race minigame vs a player
rank - Get rank of player
report - Reports a player with a reason
reserved - Kick a player for reserved slot
rules - Show defined server rules
say - Writes message
setgroup - Set player into admin group
showhitmarkdamage - Toggle show hitmark damage
skillcalc - Get skill calculation result for killing a player
skillranks - Show all avaible skill ranks
smurf - Get current nickname of all accounts with same ip as player
stats - Get stats of player
superpm - Sends a super message to player
tempban - Temporary bans player for amount of minutes, default 60
top - Get list of players of defined list
trollmode - Toggle player to not track stats
unban - Unban a player
warn - Sends a warn to player
wasted - Leaves drinking minigame (minigame only command)
yell - Writes message multiple times

Duel (!duel)
You play an internal 1v1 game vs a player and each time you kill eachother you gain points. Default is first to 5 scores but can be chosen in the command.
!Command [player] [score (default 5)] ex: "!duel tant 15" will start a duel vs Tant first to 15 scores.

Race (!race)
Simular to Duel this is played vs one other player and is a race to an amount of kills first. Default is first to 10 kills, but can be chosen in the command.
!Command [player] [score (default 10)] ex: "!duel tant 100" will start a race vs Tant first to 100 kills.

More minigames are under development and suggestions are welcome.

댓글 44
MZM 2020년 3월 18일 오후 5시 33분 
hahahaha 6 months late :d
Capone 2020년 3월 18일 오후 12시 01분 
A tiny bit late Pure but thanks nonetheless xd
MZM 2020년 3월 18일 오전 11시 55분 
Welcome to the new members
Yakeen 2019년 10월 4일 오후 2시 47분 
Thaaank you for making a dream come true! (don't mind my emotional stuff im french)
Daniel 2019년 10월 4일 오후 2시 45분 
Thank you Cap! :loe_thumbsup:
Capone 2019년 10월 4일 오후 1시 13분 
Please welcome our two newest members, Yakeen and Ronox! :PresidentTrump:
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