A Game of Thrones Roleplay rp-archive
A Game of Thrones Roleplay rp-archive
6 Απριλίου 2016
ΠΕΡΙ A Game of Thrones Roleplay

236 AC, Spring

The Seven Kingdoms of Westeros
A New King.

King of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men and Lord of the Seven Kingdoms: Maegor II Targaryen. (232 AC)
Queen-Regent of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm: Daenora Targaryen.

Heir to The Iron Throne: Aegon Targaryen.

King's Small Council.
Hand of The King: Lord Jasper Arryn.
Master of Laws: Prince Aegon Targaryen.
Master of Coin: Lord Roland Brax.
Master of Ships: Lord Runceford Redwyne.
Master of Whisperers: Lord Walder Frey.
Grand-Maester: Clegg.
Lord-Commander of the Kingsguard: Ser Roland Crakehall.

  • Lord-Commander: Roland Crakehall. (186 AC)
  • Ser Jeffory "Neveryield" Norcross. (191 AC)
  • Ser Michael Mertyns "the White Owl". (196 AC)
  • Ser Harlan Grandison. (210 AC)
  • Ser Gerold Hightower "The White Bull". (214 AC)
  • Ser Polliver "Goldtooth" Pyne. (194 AC)

    Lord-Commander of The Night's Watch: Ser Jack Musgood.

    Commander of the Goldcloaks: Ser Lyle Lannister.

    Great Houses:

    Lord of Winterfell and Warden of The North: Edwyle Stark.

    Lord-Reaper of Pyke and Lord of The Iron Islands: Torwyn Greyjoy.

    Lord of Riverrun and Lord-Paramount of The Trident: Addam Tully.

    Lord of the Eyrie, Defender of The Vale and Warden of The East: Jasper Arryn.

    Lord of Casterly Rock, Shield of Lannisport and Warden of The West: Gerold Lannister.

    Lord of Highgarden, Defender of the Marches, High Marshal of the Reach, Lord-Paramount of the Mander and Warden of The South: Luthor Tyrell.
    Lady-Regent of Highgarden: Tanselle Tyrell.

    Lord of Storm's End and Lord-Paramount of The Stormlands: Lyonel Baratheon.

    Lord of Sunspear and The Sandship and Prince of Dorne: Yorick Nymeros Martell.
Karstark Engagement, Retinue Movement, and Shipbuilding
We Light The Way
Where the Maps May Lead
Oldtown presides over one of Westeros’ premier trade lanes. Foods, spices, glass, woodwork and smithery all flow through the city from The Reach to Essos, and from Essos to the Reach. House Hightower has presided over this route for centuries, and for centuries has it flourished. Oldtown’s position of importance, and stance as the Beacon of The South cannot be doubted, its size unchallenged in the region and wealth propelling its rulers to becoming one of the wealthiest houses in the realm.

A New Oldtown
But a poor ruler is he who ignores the people beneath him, and just as Oldtown’s wealth leads to the wealth of House Hightower, so must House Hightower sacrifice that wealth in the name of improving the standard of life and efficiency of being for the lands that generate that wealth. Lewys Hightower, the incumbent Lord of Oldtown, has (alongside his council) drawn up plans to modernise Oldtown. With its brick defences secure, plans laid forth by previous Hightowers to expand the navy of the city have been scrapped; if a navy is large enough to get passed the Redwyne Fleet then there’s little a few more ships will do, and if the Redwyne Fleet stand inactive then there’s little the Hightower flotilla alone can accomplish. Therefore it has been decided that the money and resources are better spent elsewhere.
To begin with, the roads outside Oldtown will be expanded and improved with stone and wood. The central Roseroad leading from Oldtown to Highgarden will be expanded to allow a larger stream of trade to arrive and the appropriate gate (the North-Western and Northern Mother’s Gate) will be expanded to accommodate such an expansion. Eventually watchtower guardhouses will be built at intervals to ensure the security of this final part of the Roseroad and the surrounding farms, though this will happen later and Hightower lands have no current bandit problem. Roseroad Watchmen already exist throughout the Reach and Hightower lands

The roads leading away from Oldtown to Uplands, Sunhouse, Three Towers, Blackrown and Honeyholt will be equally improved, allowing easier movement of both goods and levies along them and promoting farmers in these regions in order to decrease the influx of population to Oldtown in search of employment where little potentially exists. The settlements surrounding the Oldtown city walls will also be given permission to expand somewhat more liberally around areas that are no currently farms in an attempt to reduce the tension between people building houses there and the city watch enforcing the law.
Over the centuries, Oldtown and Hightower lands have been changed and adapted to fit different visions many times. This latest addition will hopefully prove more beneficial than some have been, and expansion will cease at what House Hightower consider the extent of their demesne. The Lord of Highgarden and Master of Coin have been informed of the plan so as to keep them knowledgeable as to the status of the city, otherwise the plans for the city beyond this infrastructure enhancement is not known.

Other Happenings
The Oldtown Diocese
House Hightower have always been strong supporters of the Faith of The Seven, and remains so. The construction of a new sept outside the Oldtown city walls in one of the towns developing along the safety and security provided by the city has been ordered. By no means as grand as the Starry Sept or any of the other 8 septs in the city, it will give people living there the ability to pray, wed and confess without needing to travel into the city.

The Bank of Oldtown
To celebrate 100 years since the founding of the Bank of Oldtown and celebrate the wealth and status of Oldtown itself, a festival is due to be held in 236AC. Though originally a tourney was expected also, one will not be held due to the high amount of tourneys that have been held recently.

Oldtown City Watch
Unlike the King’s Landing or Lannisport city watch’s, the Oldtown City Watch lacks distinguishing attire; be that the golden coloured cloaks of that of King’s Landing or the red ones of Lannisport. To fix this somewhat and give the city watch a different look from any other wondering sellsword, the watch will begin to wear grey cloaks with the Hightower sigil on the reverse, while captains will wear black cloaks with the same sigil. Ser Artan Hightower will remain its Lord Commander.

House Hightower will always be willing to host anybody visiting the city, and is always open to new ideas.

Signed; ~Lewys Hightower
Lord of The Hightower
Lord of The Port
Voice of Oldtown
Defender of The Citadel
Beacon of The South

22 σχόλια
Arthur Hood 23 Απρ 2019, 2:53 
Hey man don’t judge my skills.
Slasher of Prices 17 Απρ 2019, 13:12 
golden retriever bf 16 Απρ 2019, 8:57 
Oh no
golden retriever bf 16 Απρ 2019, 8:57 
Master of Whisperers: Lord Walder Frey.
Cortina 15 Απρ 2019, 6:35 
Sup y'all
Hetman 14 Απρ 2019, 11:09 
Iron Bank is going to kill us
6 Απριλίου 2016