Rise of the Triad: Dark War ROTT 95
Rise of the Triad: Dark War ROTT 95
13 September, 2012
Dim Sim Bandit 2 Jul, 2013 @ 2:19am 
I pre-ordered it on but I'm happy that it's coming SOON.
Tex Murphy 1 Jul, 2013 @ 10:19am 
ROTT is now available for pre-order on Steam!
Tex Murphy 2 Jun, 2013 @ 10:00pm 
Check out the ROTT Community Hub!
Dim Sim Bandit 25 May, 2013 @ 7:36pm

Look the Gamepage is up too bad you cannot preorder "Soon" you will be able to.
LarryTheCrab 21 Apr, 2013 @ 8:32pm 
Just thought since my levels are avialble on the interceptor forums I though i would also leave them here for you guys to enjoy
Tex Murphy 9 Dec, 2012 @ 5:02pm 
Please post the links to the levels you made!
Tex Murphy 30 Nov, 2012 @ 3:53pm 
I guess everyone is too busy to post a comment here because they are all working on creating awesome levels! Keep it up! :-)
Tex Murphy 27 Nov, 2012 @ 10:09pm 
How is everyone's level editing going? Are we going to have 152 submitted awesome levels? Mine is going well, but my level is a bit crazy right now.
Tex Murphy 27 Nov, 2012 @ 10:08pm 
That's a good idea Voracious. We should try that soon. I am busy making my levels for the contest right now though.
Agent Slacker 🎮 22 Nov, 2012 @ 8:49pm 
I think I have an idea for how we're gonna play some Comm-Bat.
Let's get everyone together! Announce this stuff on the ROTT Facebook or somethin'!
Tex Murphy 22 Nov, 2012 @ 7:28pm 
I also have more ROTT GOG codes to give away for those that want to make some single player levels for the contest!
Tex Murphy 22 Nov, 2012 @ 11:49am 
Prizes will be given to those who can make the best single player ROTT levels ever! Your level(s) will be played and evaluated by a panel of judges who will decide if your level is worthy of winning a prize. Any awesome level is eligible for prizes, so feel free to submit any crazy level you can dream up!
Tex Murphy 12 Nov, 2012 @ 10:05pm 
Okay, let's try again on Tuesday at 7:00 PM ET! And let's try the real thing (ROTT), not a Doom mod. If someone can make a new source port, that would be best!
Agent Slacker 🎮 11 Nov, 2012 @ 6:41pm 
Actually, I thought of an idea. Since the source code for ROTT is out, why don't we see if we can make an online based Source Port, similar to Zandronum for Doom?
Agent Slacker 🎮 11 Nov, 2012 @ 6:40pm 
Then start announcing dates! I, like you and probably everyone else, want to play ROTT online, even if it means playing Return of the Triad! We need to get ROTT online!
Tex Murphy 10 Nov, 2012 @ 5:39pm 
We can't give up! We must get the orignal ROTT working! We need to get all 154 members of the group to work on this day and night! We should be attempting this every day!
Agent Slacker 🎮 9 Nov, 2012 @ 10:49pm 
When do you think we'll get ROTT working online? Or are we gonna stick with Return of the Triad for a while?
Tex Murphy 24 Oct, 2012 @ 3:25am 
ROTT Comm-Bat Playtesting
Thursday, October 25
4 PM Pacific / 7 PM Eastern / 11PM GMT
We will meet in the chat room for the group.
Tex Murphy 13 Oct, 2012 @ 5:47pm 
WASD can be set in any version in the options menu. The mouselook sucks in the GOG/Dosbox version because you have to hold down the "aim" key and it's slow, but the mouselook is great in the WinROTT versions.
SIXd9 13 Oct, 2012 @ 12:46pm 
Looking for a beta invite!
HappyMeal 13 Oct, 2012 @ 5:58am 
any one know if you can setup WASD & mouse look for this?
~Orcrist 12 Oct, 2012 @ 6:22pm 
Hello Tex !
Im interested in some Old School Gibbing and I can help with getting the Multiplayer Running.
I dont have it on GOG though.
It would be great if you could give me a code !
Cheers !
Tex Murphy 8 Oct, 2012 @ 8:20pm 
Also, I have a bunch of copies of ROTT on GOG that I might be willing to give away to people that are successful at getting old games to run multiplayer!
Tex Murphy 8 Oct, 2012 @ 8:11pm 
Let’s attempt to get Rise of the Triad multiplayer working this Friday! Join the chat room for the Steam group on Friday, October 12, at 8 PM Pacific / 11 PM Eastern / 3 AM GMT!
Tex Murphy 5 Oct, 2012 @ 9:32pm 
@yodathe3rd: I don't have an answer to that since I'm just a fan that created a Steam group for the original game, but if you post on the Facebook group or forums, they'll probably answer you:
yodathe3rd 27 Sep, 2012 @ 3:55pm 
Got the chance to play it at Quakecon and i can't wait till the preorder goes up on Steam this will be a must buy for me. Will you guys be selling any extra's with the game when it comes out?
Tex Murphy 23 Sep, 2012 @ 11:58pm 
I’m about half way through my first playthrough of ROTT in about 15 years… once I finish, I’ll schedule some community Comm-Bat matches!
RedMotorSword 17 Sep, 2012 @ 6:21am 
Fraggle_Rock 14 Sep, 2012 @ 4:27pm 
What a blast from the past!!!! I played the shareware back in the day on what if I remember correctly was a pentium 1.
Tex Murphy 14 Sep, 2012 @ 1:26pm 
Yes, the nine campaigns include The H.U.N.T. Begins (1 campaign), Dark War (4 campaigns), and Extreme ROTT (4 campaigns). :-)
<=LSP=> DatMaxNub 13 Sep, 2012 @ 11:10pm 
Nine official campaigns? I assume that's the original game, shareware, and Extreme ROTT releases. Anywho I'm a pretty busy person, but I'm always up for a game of ROTT if anyone happens to be around when I'm not at work