Gathered in their Masses RoKMasses
Gathered in their Masses RoKMasses
게임 중
2015년 3월 30일
United States 
Gathered in their Masses 정보

Just Like Witches at Black Masses

Welcome to the RoK Gathered in their Masses Server Group

Server Name : [US] Central PvE-PVP | NO KOS | ! Gathered Masses !
Server IP + Port :

Server info & rules

This is a LIGHT RolePlay server! Please attempt to initiate roleplay when making encounters with players! However it is not necessary.


You are allowed one of EACH crest per guild for a total of 3 crests (Leather/Iron/Steel).

Duping/Hacking/Glitching/Exploiting Forbidden! - You may NOT piggyback on your guildmates to get over walls and build to get on top of a base.

Do not build over nodes (bushes/small sections of water is fine)

You may NOT build on Kings Bridge, Before or After only

You may NOT build sky bases or water bases.

You may raid/siege other players bases.

You MAY NOT remove a players crest to access their base easier. If you're going to raid then destroy blocks/pick locks appropriately.

You MAY destroy a crest in an enemy base if you are stuck and cannot get out.

You may NOT Grief other players or their bases. DO NOT "Crest Siege" someones base (unless it is on the kings bridge). Players work hard on their bases, don't destroy more then you have to. Griefing is the act of harassing/killing a player multiple times for no material gain or to anger someone. Also Griefing is destroying a base more then it needs to be for no gain or to anger someone.

You may Insult/Antagonize players to the extent of ROLEPLAY ONLY. This is a mature server.

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인기 토론글
최근 공지
Alpha 10 update
server ruless updated
댓글 8
Fyre 2015년 4월 12일 오후 8시 23분 
Got some cool screen shots with some of the new furniture. :D
Fyre 2015년 4월 5일 오전 5시 59분 
The game has such potential too. I am just afraid all the work hard loose all issues will kill it in its infancy. He need more players too. ;)
OzzFreak 2015년 4월 4일 오후 11시 14분 
sorry Fyre i know what a pain in the ass alpha bugs are and losing items
Fyre 2015년 4월 4일 오후 3시 11분 
*sigh* I played for the better part of my two days off on an empty server. With the lack of social interactions I took the opportunity to farm the hell out of resources and build a neat little fort! Added some lighting and what not and started upgrading a bunch of things. Was gonna be real cool. Then, suddenly for no reason I can think of, all my chests simply disappeared with all the resources inside them. So... I have had enough of this wood chopping simulator for a while. D: Perhaps as it gets a bit more stable and more people start sticking around to play with. After this I understand why you all have left but when you return give me a shout and we'll all get together. :D
Fyre 2015년 4월 1일 오후 9시 18분 
Loving the server Oz... still a bit empty but that's okay. :) I deforested a huge chunk of land tonight. I think they slowed down the tree respawn as well as adjusted the cost to build thing. :P I am at the firehouse tomorrow but will come see you sometime on Good Friday. Be safe!
OzzFreak 2015년 3월 31일 오전 3시 19분 
LMAO i suck
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채팅방 입장
2015년 3월 30일
United States 
관계된 게임