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Elite Network - Staffs RealEliteN
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Elite Network - Staffs RealEliteN
Elite Network - Staffs について

Elite Network - Staffs

Welcome to Elite Network's Official Development Group 🔰
Only contact staffs in this group. Do not fall for impersonators.

Meet the Development Team 🚀

Owner: Aprod
Administrator: LyndaSmiles
Moderator: Steak
Streaming and Servers: AJBananaminion
Curator: Borador, Usagi, Metro Retro, ReadingLies, ChrisP, Stfro, PR1DE

Elite Giveaways Network 🌐
Contact Us ☎

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Happy International Worker's Day!
Warm wishes to my lovely staffs,

Happy International Worker's Day to each and everyone of you.

I would like to seize the opportunity to thank you for coping with me and my theatrics. It's never easy to work with a perfectionist, I know. Despite that, you still stuck around and that means alot to me. And no, I'm not a pregnant emotional woman, just expressing my utmost appreciation and gratitude.

Regardless of your position and role, I would like you to know that I would not be here today, with such excellent progress, without you guys. Here is a poem dedicated to you:

I appreciate everything that you do,
Very helpful and thoughtful too.
From the beginning, you've been there for me,
When I was down, you were strong like a tree.

You offer so much, a heart that is kind,
Thinking to help others, in your beautiful mind.
Your qualities combined, are extremely rare,
You wake up each morning, with a smile and care.

Everything you do, I respect and praise,
You're a wonderful person, you always amaze.
Wish to say thank you, deep in my heart,
For so many lives, you're a big part.

Alright, I may or may have not copied and pasted it. I just can't do poetry lol.

Thank you again, for being the best staffs anyone could ever ask for and for your hard work!

Kindest regards,
Aprod :Neko:

6 件のコメント
Aprod 2016年7月3日 19時21分 
Someone please add him, on my mobile atm lol
Aprod 2016年7月3日 19時20分 
What, he isn't in??
Washed Up Gamer 2016年7月3日 9時36分 
Someone missed Chris
LyndaSmiles ᴱᴳ 2016年3月29日 12時56分 
Hello everybody :mug:
Aprod 2016年3月29日 8時41分 
Welcome all ^^
Metro 2016年3月28日 17時32分 
Feel free to add me as a friend guys!
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