Ratty Cult 56785431
Ratty Cult 56785431
28 maj 2020
24 kommentarer
Experienced Guest 1 jan @ 20:25 
rats rats we are the rats
Spyropyro1 1 jan @ 20:16 
dead group
Ratsareamazing 2 jul, 2020 @ 8:06 
The Dipshit 1 jul, 2020 @ 16:51 
i am here
Ratsareamazing 29 jun, 2020 @ 20:13 
Spyropyro1 28 jun, 2020 @ 17:14 
am now a proud member of a rat cult
Ratsareamazing 25 jun, 2020 @ 14:16 
Yeah, but don't fall for it
jabana 25 jun, 2020 @ 13:07 
I didn’t hear of this one yet...
Ratsareamazing 24 jun, 2020 @ 18:53 
thats on my profile
Ratsareamazing 24 jun, 2020 @ 18:53 
If your friends say they reported you accidentally or you're scamming them do not trust them. They will send you to a "Steam Admin" (not real) and they will give you instructions. DO NOT FOLLOW THEM! I lost my account for a night, but I got it back. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A STEAM ADMIN DON'T TRUST THEM IF THEY SAY THEY ARE A STEAM ADMIN!

Another scam is when someone asks this: "add me for a quick talk, i have an offer, i couldnt add you for some reason..." they are gonna lead you to this website and make you login. But instead of you getting items weekly, they get your items weekly. Oh btw this is how it works: They need help advertising a website. They will tell you to go into that website and log in. It looks legit but it isn't. The place you put your password and username into is telling them the info you type in. Then, they get control of your account. Also they say they will reward you, but of course, they wont.
Ratsareamazing 24 jun, 2020 @ 18:34 
I have stuff on my profile that says stuff about scams to avoid and stuff
Ratsareamazing 24 jun, 2020 @ 18:33 
Ratsareamazing 24 jun, 2020 @ 18:32 
eurrhhhh 24 jun, 2020 @ 18:28 
Ratsareamazing 24 jun, 2020 @ 18:24 
Another scam is when the scammer says "Hey I need help" then you should know it is a scam right away. "With what?" you will ask. "I need help advertising my website, and I'm gonna reward every week if you help." then he will send you to a website. You put your name and account in, and then instead of logging you in, it gives him access to your account. and if you're not his friend already, then he'll say something along the lines of "hey, can you add me? I have an offer. I couldn't add you for some reason..." then he lores you closer and closer then yea thats what happens
jabana 4 jun, 2020 @ 8:20 
Yes. The scammer’s movement is simple: they repeat the same things in different words or with the same words, and they barely answer your questions.
Ratsareamazing 4 jun, 2020 @ 7:46 
If you didn't know, there is a scam on Steam. One of your friends will say he/she reported you but don't listen. It may sound convincing, but it is a scam.
jabana 3 jun, 2020 @ 18:56 
The Dipshit 3 jun, 2020 @ 18:32 
i now have joined the cult of rats
jabana 1 jun, 2020 @ 7:23 
ape 28 maj, 2020 @ 20:06 
i shall join you brother