Project! ♥♥♥♥♥♥ American Lasers P!FAL
Project! ♥♥♥♥♥♥ American Lasers P!FAL
11 August, 2009
United States 
Vervaticus 16 Jan, 2019 @ 3:45pm 
internisus 24 Apr, 2017 @ 7:15am 
I wish—it's probably more like the opposite!
Angelemie 22 Apr, 2017 @ 6:21pm 
Does this mean I am cool now? O.o
GDMilkman 3 Jun, 2016 @ 12:17am 
How are you guys not curating? WHAT ARE MATT'S FAVORITE GAMES? What does Adam Like? WHO KNOWS?:conwaypunch:
internisus 17 Jul, 2015 @ 12:37pm 
Just noticed this comment; sorry. We played EDF through and were then just done with it, I think. It's been said that we got one of the weaker entries in the series on PC, unfortunately, and indeed I can't say that I loved it.
GDMilkman 22 Jun, 2015 @ 8:00pm 
Do you guys ever play EDF anymore?
[P!FAL]Fid 31 Jan, 2015 @ 4:57pm 
I say next weeks game is Fistful of Frags!
[P!FAL]Maeby 3 Dec, 2011 @ 3:26pm 
I miss you guys! :(
internisus 30 Mar, 2011 @ 10:22pm 
Friday is out for me this week. And next, actually.
Hippie 30 Mar, 2011 @ 9:11pm 
Not saturday. Friday?
internisus 30 Mar, 2011 @ 4:51pm 
Let's play Left 4 Dead 2 on Saturday night.
[P!FAL] TV's Adam 30 Mar, 2011 @ 2:14pm 
This dead-ass page makes my heart sad.
internisus 3 Oct, 2010 @ 12:09am 
I meant that it's better-suited to local play, so when they patch in online co-op local will still be the best choice.
[P!FAL] TV's Adam 1 Oct, 2010 @ 8:15pm 
Anything played locally provides superior in-the-room communication.
internisus 1 Oct, 2010 @ 1:34pm 
I just heard that they are late adding online support to the co-op for Lara Croft; also, apparently, it's the sort of game that's better played locally for superior in-the-room communication.
Hippie 28 Sep, 2010 @ 7:52pm 
I got won over by hereby. But then depressed by my wallet's seeming anorexia post-KorgX50 purchase.
[P!FAL] TV's Adam 28 Sep, 2010 @ 5:34pm 
I wasn't interested at all until the word "rollicking" came up.
internisus 28 Sep, 2010 @ 6:27am 
You are all hereby ordered to purchase Lara Croft for rollicking co-op puzzle action.
[P!FAL] TV's Adam 11 Aug, 2010 @ 8:15pm 
Anyone else buying Nation Red? Would like to get a group going...
Iammadmak 9 Jul, 2010 @ 4:59pm 
♥♥♥♥ yes.
[P!FAL] B coma 24 Jun, 2010 @ 10:15pm 
anyone interested in doing this at some point?
if so, someone set up a date!
[P!FAL] B coma 27 May, 2010 @ 5:12pm 
yeah, I'm down. I've been out of the loop way too long. going to buy a bunch of alcohol for this occasion k lol
internisus 27 May, 2010 @ 1:23pm 
Indeed. Shall we plan a little scavenge for Sunday night?
honuk 25 May, 2010 @ 3:25pm 
wherefore art thou, official sanctioned P!FAL scavenge games?
internisus 22 Apr, 2010 @ 10:04am 
Yeah, I think we're all just waiting to see if it actually comes out today or if it's a midnight dealie like Crash Course was (IIRC).
[P!FAL] B coma 22 Apr, 2010 @ 4:02am 
so... heard something about some l4d2 DLC...
[P!FAL] TV's Adam 26 Mar, 2010 @ 12:14pm 
Is there P!FAF this evening?
internisus 26 Mar, 2010 @ 8:57am 
That's kind of all the time, dude. Narrow those criteria!

I've installed Blands and TF2 again but will probably spend my friday night in bed playing Megaten. Soz.
Hippie 25 Mar, 2010 @ 12:06pm 
Jeezus... I just realized the myriad typing errors I committed. I apologize to you all.

And I'm only passive aggressive toward you Skye. When you're drunk and uncooperative.
internisus 24 Mar, 2010 @ 9:27pm 
Sorry Matt, but you can't blame a fellow ♥♥♥♥ for attempting a deflection. Anyway, yeah, like I told Adam, I knew as I was saying the words that I was adding an erroneous "g" to ♥♥♥♥♥♥. I am really, really sorry about that. It's stressful being on the internet.
Hippie 24 Mar, 2010 @ 7:53pm 
Skye gets POTW for his plug. But throwing me under the bus alost cost him. Seriously, thatnks to whoever it wa that came to my defense.
[P!FAL] TV's Adam 23 Mar, 2010 @ 9:40pm 
I love that Matt and I both get mentioned, in our absence, for the ♥♥♥♥♥♥ things we do when playing. That said, I quite enjoyed the video and am a bit envious of the participants.

Also, well done Skye for plugging P!FAL at the last second, but for christ's sake, man, it's "♥♥♥♥♥♥", not "♥♥♥♥♥♥♥." It is a small but vital difference.
[P!FAL] B coma 23 Mar, 2010 @ 4:27am 
Hippie 5 Mar, 2010 @ 11:26am 
So for PFAF tonight I've listed it as L4D. I'm cool with that if we have something nearing 8 people, but maybe some TF2 would be a better idea. Who's coming? Anyone have any thoughts?
[P!FAL] B coma 20 Feb, 2010 @ 2:50am 
botoggle 2 Feb, 2010 @ 5:58pm 
A Borderlands update has been released which, supposedly, no longer requires port forwarding to play or host the game in multiplayer.

Better four months late than never, I guess?
bluestreak2k5 17 Jan, 2010 @ 3:52pm 
If anyone plays Eve and wants a good corp send me a message. My corp has a 80%+ kill efficency and we are currently setting up a high sec corp for doing missions and I'm looking into setting up mining ops as one of my toons gets into an orca in 10 days.

My Eve account is the same name as this one and the killboard llink is posted in the corp website.
botoggle 14 Jan, 2010 @ 10:43pm 
Serious Sam ♥♥♥♥♥♥' rules FYI.
[P!FAL] B coma 13 Jan, 2010 @ 10:59pm 
I will do my best to be there.

PS ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ the Dead Center Finale on expert /bitter
[P!FAL] TV's Adam 13 Jan, 2010 @ 10:18am 
OK, I'm going ahead on and saying Thursday night, 10 p.m. Scheduled an event and everything. Very official. Very...♥♥♥♥♥♥...official.
Pump-Actin' Tinactin 12 Jan, 2010 @ 9:53pm 
Holy ♥♥♥♥ I'll play some Serious Sam.
botoggle 12 Jan, 2010 @ 11:48am 
I'm up for some Sam some evening this week.
[P!FAL] TV's Adam 11 Jan, 2010 @ 9:04pm 
This here is good news. Except about the permanent erection, which sounds serious. In any case, given that my new machine isn't going to show until at least February, I'd very much like to set something up here. When are people around for some Serious Sam?
internisus 8 Jan, 2010 @ 10:32pm 
Very much interested in Serious Sam co-op sometime, yes!
honuk 8 Jan, 2010 @ 7:10pm 
Serious Sam is guaranteed to give you a permanent erection
botoggle 8 Jan, 2010 @ 5:46pm 
I've been debating picking it up since I really liked (the demo) of the original. For $6 I guess it's worth a shot!
[P!FAL] TV's Adam 8 Jan, 2010 @ 3:34pm 
Say P!FAL, given that there's this nice sale of Serious Sam HD going on (a nicer one than the one they JUST HAD when I bought the damn game), and I'm sure a bunch of us own the game already, does anyone fancy getting a group together and taking a stab at the co-op?
Hippie 5 Jan, 2010 @ 2:33pm

I find that ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ cool.

This is a stellar server, and if you like TF2 you should be playing there (and giving us a good name).
[P!FAL] TV's Adam 1 Jan, 2010 @ 2:47pm 
Sadness achieved.