Penguin-Gaming xXBROGREXx
Penguin-Gaming xXBROGREXx
2 September, 2013
Vi :) 🏳️‍⚧ 27 Sep, 2015 @ 5:16pm 
hilarious group! tell little to tell waffle to add me!
Sansko 27 Jan, 2014 @ 1:03pm 
For everyone who liked the server and want to play on another one with the guys from the last, I managed to get one. Everyone is welcome. Just post it on the forums.
Sansko 20 Jan, 2014 @ 12:30pm 
Psst, we blew it up again
D3strophe 20 Jan, 2014 @ 5:51am 
what version is the server cause it says to be on the latest version but i seem to be missing mods ;( pls help
Ludendorff 3 Jan, 2014 @ 5:43am 
and ot went Poof again
Ludendorff 2 Jan, 2014 @ 7:39am 
i agree can it be restarted or is there a problem if there is log on the server with opis use
Zhathras 20 Dec, 2013 @ 11:44am 
Hows the server doing?? for me it still says it cant be reached
Zhathras 19 Dec, 2013 @ 7:28am 
Server still down did the machine go klaboom??
Zhathras 18 Dec, 2013 @ 9:08am 
<pokes intox with a stick> OI wake up :D server is down
Cookie Hommie 17 Dec, 2013 @ 11:35am 
COME ON! restart the server!!! :(((( i need to do something to keep me awake this night :D
Ludendorff 12 Dec, 2013 @ 7:46am 
Curving 16 Nov, 2013 @ 3:40pm 
Hey cool people
Zhathras 12 Oct, 2013 @ 4:57am 
server still down??
Zhathras 11 Oct, 2013 @ 1:18pm 
dangit just when things where coming together
Zhathras 10 Oct, 2013 @ 12:43pm 
Server went poof :(
Sansko 9 Oct, 2013 @ 4:57am 
Is it me, or is the server rolled back?