Palestine Will never Fall !!!
Palestine Will never Fall !!!
16 Haziran 2009
2.128 Yorum
600k 16 saat önce 
Dm me on tg on dc if you wanne argue got som good gifs and vids there 🤪
⭕⃤ S.E.7.E.N 17 saat önce 
⭕⃤ S.E.7.E.N 17 saat önce 
#FREE_PALESTINE <3 regime child-killing zionist jews of netanyahu zahhak israel :csgostar: is real terrorist in the world :sniperskull:
⭕⃤ S.E.7.E.N 17 saat önce 
1496 – Expulsion from Portugal. 1510 – Expulsion from England. 1516 – Expulsion from Portugal. 1516 - A law in Sicily allowed Jews to live only in ghettos. 1541 – Expulsion from Austria. 1555 – Expulsion from Portugal. 1555 - A law was issued in Rome allowing Jews to live in ghettos only. 1567 – Expulsion from Italy. 1570 – Expulsion from Germany (Brandenburg). 1580 – Expulsion from Novgorod (Ivan the Terrible). 1592 – Expulsion from France. 1616 – Expulsion from Switzerland. 1629 – Expulsion from Spain and Portugal (Philip IV). 1634 – Expulsion from Switzerland. 1655 – Expulsion from Switzerland. 1660 – Expulsion from Kyiv. 1701 – Complete expulsion from Switzerland (Edict of Philip V). 1806 - Napoleon's ultimatum. Badarja. 1828 – Expulsion from Kyiv. 1933 – Expulsion from Germany and genocide.
⭕⃤ S.E.7.E.N 17 saat önce 
1080 – Expulsion from France.1098 – Expulsion from the Czech Republic.1113 - Expulsion from Kievan Rus (Vladimir Monomakh).1113 – Massacre of Jews in Kiev.1147 – Expulsion from France. 1171 – Expulsion from Italy. 1188 – Expulsion from England. 1198 – Expulsion from England. 1290 – Expulsion from England. 1298 - Expulsion from Switzerland (100 Jews executed by hanging). 1306 – Expulsion from France (3,000 burned alive). 1360 – Expulsion from Hungary. 1391 - Expulsion from Spain (30,000 executed, 5,000 burned alive). 1394 – Expulsion from France. 1407 – Expulsion from Poland. 1492 – Expulsion from Spain (law prohibiting Jews from entering the country forever). 1492 – Expulsion from Sicily. 1495 - Expulsion from Lithuania and Kiev.
⭕⃤ S.E.7.E.N 17 saat önce 
This child-killing zionist sexual apartheid regime of netanyahu with the iron dome system, the merkava tank, and the iron sword are giants in the media, but they have nothing to say on the ground, they can't even handle a small military group in the narrow strip of the Gaza Strip, the Tin dome, merkava tanks and tin swords are too much for you, you can only kill children, women and babies by bombing, you don't have the guts to face the small military group of Hamas, if america didn't help you, you wouldn't have existed on the planet in the first days, holocaust your lies were Hitler's actions, but you are the real holocaust. With this scandal you brought to the world, the false regime of the jewish zionist apartheid usurper netanyahu zahhak has reached the end of his life.
Look for the mouse hole, you dirty israeli zionist jew
⭕⃤ S.E.7.E.N 17 saat önce 
These are the descendants of the zionist jews of israel, and they have been, are, and will be racist
People of the world, be alert and aware, this fake regime did not spare a small strip of Gaza according to the new documents and how can it bring peace and tranquility to the people of the world according to the old documents
ok gorilla
yakub 20 Eyl @ 11:49 
shut up cracker i created you on the island of patmos my yakubian creation then i banished you to the caves.
you seem to care, you keep bringing it up.

you want to know what people say about you?? nothing. fuck all. nothing comes to mind whatsoever

israel shall defend itself. It will take action AND reaction to Palestinian and arab aggression.
600k 20 Eyl @ 10:53 
btw know1 cares that your pronouses are they them just remove that shit no1 cares
600k 20 Eyl @ 10:53 
sprut why dont you switch to the isreal furrys group where you belong like a dog ?
Fayvvv 20 Eyl @ 10:42 
telling me to go to school when you cant spell fucking or zionist. LOL

bet you can't even name all 12 tribes
ennur's boah alex 20 Eyl @ 9:06 
Z1onists usually are simping to hentais and LGBT, aren't they?
ennur's boah alex 20 Eyl @ 9:04 
Are kids still yapping here? ahahahahaha, phucking z1onist kids, go back to school, that you left.
bish bash bosh 20 Eyl @ 8:41 
Prob som1 else then but yall jews being crying here for longer then a year now yet achieved nothing other then waste your time on a steam group witch is very sad and we dont know what you trying to do is this supposed to rage us or let us cry about your comment comming from a person with autism and is gay or trying to convince us to love jews or is it cause your god is full of hate and wants you to spread hate online witch does nothing really but show how sad you gotta be to cry in a group on steam high chance you also get bullied for being a fag at school witch caused you to be a annoying troll on the internet and get no irl friends witch is very sad but just stfu we all know your country is full of rapists and pedos crazy how half the country wanted idf soldiers released after gang raping a palestinian woman just shows how bad your country is expect nothing better from jews tho they never change
⭕⃤ S.E.7.E.N 20 Eyl @ 1:37 
oh fantastic, you’ve just opened your mouth again and vomited out a thick steaming pile of shit, haven’t you? Oy vey, are you even listening to yourself!?

Israel’s steamrolled every war thrown at us like a fing tank over a sandcastle, but you’re still here flapping your nobbly gums about having the better god. look at you, sweating like a perv in a mosque, not a single factual point to counter. you’re gripping my ‘gayness’ and ‘autism’ like they’re the last shred of dignity in your miserable, festering soul. You’re a twisted little backward-ass bigot, like a drowning rat holding onto a cinder block.

go on, pack up your yurt and slink back to whatever prehistoric dust bowl you crawled out from. you clearly don’t belong in the world of actual human progress.
600k 19 Eyl @ 15:57 
Prob som1 else then but yall jews being crying here for longer then a year now yet achieved nothing other then waste your time on a steam group witch is very sad and we dont know what you trying to do is this supposed to rage us or let us cry about your comment comming from a person with autism and is gay or trying to convince us to love jews or is it cause your god is full of hate and wants you to spread hate online witch does nothing really but show how sad you gotta be to cry in a group on steam high chance you also get bullied for being a fag at school witch caused you to be a annoying troll on the internet and get no irl friends witch is very sad but just stfu we all know your country is full of rapists and pedos crazy how half the country wanted idf soldiers released after gang raping a palestinian woman just shows how bad your country is expect nothing better from jews tho they never change
a year? wtf you on about lol
600k 19 Eyl @ 12:36 
you are here for longer then a year calling out others just to get them angry and then say ''wow judgemental, why you hate so much? were you just born to be angry at everyone?'' daz crazy
wow judgemental, why you hate so much? were you just born to be angry at everyone?
600k 19 Eyl @ 8:10 
your life is worth nothing stfu and fuck a guy
600k 19 Eyl @ 8:09 
you have that shit in your boi ''🟥 Autism Awareness 🟥''
have you taken shower yet? ofcourse not, I can smell your stench still from across the internet. please take a wash you dirty pig, smelly

and to the other goy, you have 600 screenshots and 150 artworks on your profile.... and you dare call me retarded?
bish bash bosh 19 Eyl @ 5:47 
LMAOO this creature also spawned on my profile:ShugoLaugh:
600k 19 Eyl @ 5:41 
and stop spamming my profile with gay flags
600k 19 Eyl @ 5:40 
now i understand your just retarded
600k 19 Eyl @ 5:40 
✦Shalom, welcome to my profile. (they/them/their's)✦
🇮🇱JEWISH🇮🇱 |🏳️‍🌈QUEER🏳️‍🌈 | 🙏🏿 #prayforisrael 🙏🏿 | 🟥 Autism Awareness 🟥
⭕⃤ S.E.7.E.N 18 Eyl @ 9:33 
Happy 17.09.24. 4k+ hezbollah terrorists smelling the Israeli liberation. Soon Lebanon will be christian again.. or maybe atheist, who knows :D
I go outside quite a bit. I like to go out and smell the fresh air of the only middle eastern democracy.
steko 15 Eyl @ 13:26 
block and move on pedophile troll spend all day commenting steam instead of going outside
600k 15 Eyl @ 13:07 
also plz tell me what the age of consent whas in 1800 in usa
600k 15 Eyl @ 13:07 
this has been debunked so many times
your religious prophet has a 9 year old wife. don't call me the child lover you goyim
steko 15 Eyl @ 5:29 
free palestine bastard israel manyak child lover orospu çocuğu
Alen 15 Eyl @ 4:11 
Blocked keep yapping
"Not racist, also not antisemitic"


"Imagine being trans+jewish+braindead+evil.
God really punished you 4 times."

"Also shoutout to that Austrian painter for the things he did"

"You are going to hell anyways"
Alen 14 Eyl @ 16:13 
Not racist, also not antisemitic because
I have a lot of black and also some jewish friends. They all support palestine. I don't know you and just spamming on here to feed your huge ego make you look goofy af also with they/them in your name.

As I can see you have some jewish groups on your profile you follow and go ahead spam them. They are your people, everybody on here ignore you as you can see.

I think you are just bored or you have some other problems in your life. So internet is your escape from reality. I'm here to help you out, you can add me and I would help you gladly.

Sometimes I have a bad day so I say a lot of bad things. Sorry if I hurt your feelings. I get it we have different toughts about palestine and israel. At least be a good human being and don't spam on here. Just leave group without saying a word and add me if you want to talk.

If not, then keep yapping as always. The choice is yours, whatever floats your boat :leMiss:
Ohhh, I'm shivering. I am so scared.

You cry for justice, yet you open your mouth and nothing but nasty bigoted screeching comes out. Why don't you open history book instead of spewing off meaningless bile.

HAHA (insert holocaust joke) HAHA

You're just B tier racist. Can't even come up with an original antisemitic talking point. Yawn
Alen 13 Eyl @ 13:55 
Warning ✋🏻
Bro you can't even decide what's your real gender. Hint: (If you have pp you are a boy)

Imagine being trans+jewish+braindead+evil.
God really punished you 4 times.
That's why you are so mad.

Also shoutout to that Austrian painter for the things he did to people like you.

You are going to hell anyways :hoji_sad:, so yeah keep yapping on the internet :tumbleblue:
The Anti-Christ 12 Eyl @ 16:30 
the USA is Israels property and many citizens are sick of it we stand with Palestine
f962341 5 Eyl @ 8:44 
God bless and Palestine
I'm from Yisrael, but when I was 13 my mum took me here to gaza. That weekend, I met another girl my age. During the conversation, she introduced herself with, "Hello". At that day, we spent most of our time together, even ditching our parents, to play nintendo DS and LARP anime stuff and all the other stuff dumb nerdy teens do. She thought she was straight, but that was clearly heteronormativity at play; she is later quoted as saying of the time, "I just thought I was a straight girl who was attracted to women." We stayed in touch online and were in a romantic relationship before the month was out. We were together for over five years, and would meet often, or sometimes she'd come on holidays with my family. Eightish years later, I'm now a gender fluid queer female, and she's pan and nb, and while we're no longer a couple, we're close friends and she'll always mean a lot to me.
Genesis 15:18-21 proves Israel’s right to this land God promised it from the Nile to the Euphrates written in the Torah and yet some frayer goyim think they can argue with that?!?? this is our divine inheritance sealed by God’s word. lech lehizdayen HAHAHAHA
600k 29 Ağu @ 14:59 
No fucking way yall are arguing with the same jew a fucking year long this is so fucking sad 😭
⭕⃤ S.E.7.E.N 29 Ağu @ 11:29 