[187]Clan[.1] [187]Clan
[187]Clan[.1] [187]Clan
28 de junho de 2014
15 comentários
ℋannibalistic 17 dez. 2014 às 8:14 
Congrats to Samm our newest .1 member!
ℋannibalistic 11 dez. 2014 às 9:51 
Julian is stepping up and is now promoted to our new "Sergeant of Arms," congratulations! He will be supporting our Clan's armory with the WeM, and act as squad leader during battle.
ℋannibalistic 11 dez. 2014 às 9:49 
Congrats to Smokey and TheLardandSavour, our newest members of the clan!
ℋannibalistic 9 dez. 2014 às 11:35 
Congrats to Madd-Odin becoming our clans Captain!
ℋannibalistic 9 dez. 2014 às 11:34 
Congrats to Krazee our newest member and medic! Please welcome her to our family!
ℋannibalistic 25 nov. 2014 às 20:19 
Congrats to Avery our new WeaponMaster!
ℋannibalistic 21 nov. 2014 às 1:32 
Fighting in Elektro this week!
ℋannibalistic 17 nov. 2014 às 23:53 
Aiden is now Medic, and she has already saved several 187 member lives... this during battle in full pop servers. She also is our clan's "Player of the Week," please congratulate her~
ℋannibalistic 17 nov. 2014 às 23:50 
Congrats to Alex for joining the Family!
ℋannibalistic 16 nov. 2014 às 14:47 
187 MARKSMEN TRAINING TONIGHT - Does your scope or sights move around too much? Are you having trouble shooting objects at long distances in a timely manner? Well its time for you to signup for this class! Message Hannibal for a seat later on tonight.
ℋannibalistic 28 out. 2014 às 19:24 
Part Deux
ℋannibalistic 20 jul. 2014 às 2:12 
New Rank Medic~ Message me or "Blue checkered shirt" if you are interested!
ℋannibalistic 11 jul. 2014 às 9:24 
The Forest training and following mission went perfectly last night! We will be meeting up at 187 Spawn Point #1 Tonight, get RFW and meet us there by 9pm PST/12 Midnight EST!
ℋannibalistic 10 jul. 2014 às 12:08 
Meeting in the woods west of our factory tonight, we will be doing Forest Combat Training and fighting tonight in a full pop server at 12 Midnight EST!
ℋannibalistic 9 jul. 2014 às 21:47 
187 WarParty for 07/09/14 meeting at the Factory right now, we are starting in 15 minutes, we have 11 members on.