Our Serva Bin Lagin wtf۵
Our Serva Bin Lagin wtf۵
13 August, 2011
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Cormac [Büger] ɞ 7 Oct, 2011 @ 11:27pm 
I'm 24 and live in Seattle, Washington. I am an aspiring demonologist and cryptozoologist majoring in developmental psychology of cryptozoological creatures and metaphysical subspace wave dynamics. I like burgers, but that word in my name is not burger, it is booger...or the snot that comes out of your nose sometimes. For fun I like to listen to heavy music, get drunk, sew, build shit, weld shit together, study the occult, play games and fuck around with computers.
HeNtat 29 Aug, 2011 @ 3:48am 
Hey i'm 17 and from austria (Europe)
im attending high school. I love playing my drums, i play in some different bands and orchestras. My musical education started when i was 3 years old and thats cause of my father is one of the best and well known musicans here in austria and my biggest dream is to play one day for dimmu borgir drums (its an norwegian black metal band).
Now something about my other hobbies: i love soccer and spending time with my friends and makeing partys. And if im not spending time with them or my girlfriend i play css.
Oh and a comment to Soad we also have -20°C and so :P
Lí†híûM ɞ 19 Aug, 2011 @ 10:04pm 
Im a 25 year old aspiring Chemical Engineering Major, I live in South Carolina right near the border with Georgia(so i say atlanta most of the time, just easier) At the moment I work as a Quality Tech in the automotive industry and for fun I like to build custom gaming rigs, disc and actual golf, and ofc play CSS, i quit smoking weed (mostly) cuz of work so i pop alot of pills and drink instead, mostly the former occasionally the latter
KnusperKeks 19 Aug, 2011 @ 1:53pm 
Im 36 years old and im a computer science professor at the University in Niigata. I enjoy cooking, reading, swimming and drink good wine (that last one wreckes my account.....)
In my freetime i make partys with my students (former students) play CS and make my PHD now in Psychologie.
soad 18 Aug, 2011 @ 8:26pm 
Well, I'm 15 years old, I play soccer and I recently started bodybuilding.

I enjoy writing, history, and theater. I like to hang with my buds and when available smoke some bud aswell :D Occasionly hit up the driving range with my shitty golfing skills as well :p.

I Plan on doing Speech and Debate, as it'll look pretty good on my college app :D

I live in cold-ass Minnesota and I plan on travelling across the USA when I can, sometime after HS. Goal is to move to Cali or B.C. (If you live there already; lucky bastards :P)

And of course, its always nice to be here and talk to the pretty cool guys and gals in the clan(s) :]
TheOfficer12 18 Aug, 2011 @ 8:04pm 
Well I'm 21 years old from Quebec, Canada; yes I'm a Frenchie! (Btw Soad, it sometimes reaches -40°C in the winter so stop crying :P)

I'm currently studying to become a police officer and eventually enter the K9 Special Unit. When I'm not in the gym or doing sports, I'm chilling with friends, clubbing, partying and so on!

I'm a really open guy who is interested in everything and I love to learn new things.
I love to chill out with all the bros and hoes in our clan, and to spend time with y'all on CSS!

Now, let’s get it done!