ᵃᵗᵃʳᵃˣⁱᵃ intrasport
ᵃᵗᵃʳᵃˣⁱᵃ intrasport
7 June, 2023
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i saw your maining spy.. i gota say ure just like all the rest interp abuse so cool bro and wouldn t you know another kunai dead ringer cunt.. u know tf2 isnt hard game if u actualy tried to get good and not relies on a crutch.. im mean do u take the easy route in eveything you fuckin do in life?? my sniper rifle has 2000 kills.. u ever play sniper?? of course not becase its too hard for u to even consider.i bet you're subed to all the main spy youtubers too, just so u know u can keep dreaming buddy swipez has always been the best spy player and hes good at hard stuff too like demonkight. u guys all are the same,, u all worship klown like hes was the 2nd coming of christ. i bet u even have some god awful config. "config bro?? lmao just get good at the game without exploting how the game was meant to be played. its just doesnt sit right w me knowing theres sum garbage twerps like u who are probaly convinced ur sooo good at the game, so take what i told u and sleep on it think about it
snaetos-iwnl- 3 Jul @ 4:58am 
i saw your maining spy.. i gota say ure not like all the rest interp abuse so cool bro and would you know another kunai dead ringer pro.. u know tf2 is a hard game if u actualy tried to get good and not relies on a crutch.. im mean do u take the hard route in eveything you fuckin do in life?? your sniper rifle has 2000 kills.. u ever play sniper?? of course you do because its hard for u .i bet you're subed to all the main spy youtubers too, just so u know u can keep dreaming buddy swipez has always been the best spy player and hes good at hard stuff too like demonkight. u guys all are the same,, klown is the 2nd coming of christ. i bet u even have some godly config. "config bro?? lmao ur just good at the game without exploting how the game was meant to be played. its just doesnt sit right w me knowing theres sum cracked twerps like u who are sooo good at the game, so take what i told u and sleep on it think about it
billy 19 Jun @ 3:08pm 
i saw your maining spy.. i gota say ure not like all the rest interp abuse so cool bro and would you know another kunai dead ringer pro.. u know tf2 is a hard game if u actualy tried to get good and not relies on a crutch.. im mean do u take the hard route in eveything you fuckin do in life?? your sniper rifle has 2000 kills.. u ever play sniper?? of course you do because its hard for u .i bet you're subed to all the main spy youtubers too, just so u know u can keep dreaming buddy swipez has always been the best spy player and hes good at hard stuff too like demonkight. u guys all are the same,, klown is the 2nd coming of christ. i bet u even have some godly config. "config bro?? lmao ur just good at the game without exploting how the game was meant to be played. its just doesnt sit right w me knowing theres sum cracked twerps like u who are sooo good at the game, so take what i told u and sleep on it think about it
jeez 12 Apr @ 5:17pm 
i saw your maining spy.. i gota say ure not like all the rest interp abuse so cool bro and would you know another kunai dead ringer pro.. u know tf2 is a hard game if u actualy tried to get good and not relies on a crutch.. im mean do u take the hard route in eveything you fuckin do in life?? your sniper rifle has 2000 kills.. u ever play sniper?? of course you do because its hard for u .i bet you're subed to all the main spy youtubers too, just so u know u can keep dreaming buddy swipez has always been the best spy player and hes good at hard stuff too like demonkight. u guys all are the same,, klown is the 2nd coming of christ. i bet u even have some godly config. "config bro?? lmao ur just good at the game without exploting how the game was meant to be played. its just doesnt sit right w me knowing theres sum cracked twerps like u who are sooo good at the game, so take what i told u and sleep on it think about it
soft blanket 9 Jun, 2023 @ 4:29pm 
I added you becase I wanted to buy brown paint on 14 febuary, but then decided to don't do it, but I couldnot cancel fried request for some reason,idk which
unfunny fuck 9 Jun, 2023 @ 2:21am 
i saw your maining spy.. i gota say ure not like all the rest interp abuse so cool bro and would you know another kunai dead ringer pro.. u know tf2 is a hard game if u actualy tried to get good and not relies on a crutch.. im mean do u take the hard route in eveything you fuckin do in life?? your sniper rifle has 2000 kills.. u ever play sniper?? of course you do because its hard for u .i bet you're subed to all the main spy youtubers too, just so u know u can keep dreaming buddy swipez has always been the best spy player and hes good at hard stuff too like demonkight. u guys all are the same,, klown is the 2nd coming of christ. i bet u even have some godly config. "config bro?? lmao ur just good at the game without exploting how the game was meant to be played. its just doesnt sit right w me knowing theres sum cracked twerps like u who are sooo good at the game, so take what i told u and sleep on it think about it
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7 June, 2023