New Developers NewDevs
New Developers NewDevs
5 April 2014
TENTANG New Developers

Group for experienced and novice developers

This group is to gather a new generation of developers (novices, and experienced ones) from all over the world together.


- Help each other.

- Ask any questions regarding games development in general.

- Ask any questions about programming languages (C#, C++, Java Script, etc...).

- Let people know which tools you think are best suited for specific tasks.

- Show other people your work in progress with screenshots or videos.

- Anything that floats your boat (please remain on topic though: game development in general) :)

- Last but not least (I will copy-paste a post which I made earlier): Our group purely exists so that novices, and experienced developers help each other making games.
Our group is not here to promote people's Greenlight Process.
Cheers all, and keep working on making good games that will be released on Steam someday hopefully :)

- On a final note: if you are a novice or an experienced game developer (programmer, artist, animator, etc...), please do not hesitate to ask people for help here. This is the main goal of the group by the way, to help each other, and keep in mind that there's no shame asking for help, on the contrary, knowledge is a wonderful thing to share.
Places To Learn Code
New Developers Group, List of Tools and Job postings!
  • Site Facelift
  • Developer Forums
  • Contest
  • Jobs Market
  • Radio
  • Much more

Lets get down to the skinny you came to find out about

Pixel Art and other artist tools

I have been taking it upon myself to compile some lists and first up is artist tools this includes but not limited to tileset programs, concept art and pixel art.

Check it out here:
Artist Tools[]

Jobs Market

So this section of our site has been added so members can not only offer jobs (paying or not paying up to you) but become suppliers to!

Suppliers are profiles just for your membership allowing you to select jobs you are good at programming, audio, visual art, IT, marketing etc. With a rating system so after you have done jobs for someone they can give you a rating and review!

Job offers, You can list any job into any catigory let it be concept art or music even programming or business planning you can create a job post and make it either paying or not paying your choice. How does that all work? suppliers can see your job and leave offers. Offers can look something like this "I have done scripts and programming in Unity for over 3 years depending on your project plan I can start tomorrow!"

Check it out here:
Jobs Market[]

Developers Forums

We all know what forums are, they help people to post information, share and help others in the community ours is no exception and has plenty of knowledgeable members who love to help!

Check it out here:

New Developers Group

Don't forget about your home base on our website that any member can join and enjoy! Here you can focus more on development and less on gaming (Less distractions ftw!)

Check it out here:
New Developers[]


Lastly as a project we started a video game radio plays classics from 1980-2000 and modern hits you hear on steam today! it's totally free and you can chill to it while developing and learning new skills. I love it and use it when practicing pixel art!

Check it out here:
Cimmarian Radio[]

49 Komentar
SlipSlot 20 Jul 2021 @ 5:17pm 
For those looking for another developer exclusive Steam group to share your games in:
anti paranoia annoyance 17 Nov 2018 @ 8:41am 
hi I need help programmers
iamaplayer 31 Mei 2015 @ 2:19pm 
Welcome to rakeshmalik91, he's released Ramayana on Steam.
iamaplayer 22 Jan 2015 @ 9:01am 
@solarstormstudio: I deleted the post here, and posted it in the thread where it belongs at:
iamaplayer 1 Jan 2015 @ 9:04pm 
Special Greetings to Fel. He's released "Ukrainian Ninja" on the Steam Store!
DenisLongCock 21 Nov 2014 @ 12:14pm 
Didn't know there are sub-groups on steam. Thanks