Nations of War N.O.War
Nations of War N.O.War
12 October, 2013
Pyr The Raven 19 Sep, 2023 @ 10:04pm 
Can we get a fortnite NOWAR custom server please
Plague 16 Dec, 2020 @ 3:20pm 
Six Years.......
Pyr The Raven 8 Jun, 2019 @ 1:28pm 
So uhhh, when we getting a 3rd server
Sergeant sarge staff 21 May, 2019 @ 4:46pm 
Good times
Znade 7 Jun, 2017 @ 4:33pm 
We should do somthing with this group again, it was really cool.
RaiderEight 8 Jan, 2017 @ 1:51pm 
3 years, feels bad man.
✪Jamesam 30 Oct, 2016 @ 9:53pm 
I miss you guys :balloon:
Iceaax 5 Jul, 2016 @ 11:14pm 
When I mean't still running, I mean't if there was a new group and server
Iceaax 30 Jun, 2016 @ 8:17pm 
This was a great server, is it still running?
✪Jamesam 24 Jan, 2016 @ 9:43am 
Throw back holy shit
Plague 25 Dec, 2015 @ 2:26pm 
We need nations of war back even known im no longer a moderator :( But who cares everyone hated me ( N.Owar) snowman.
Plague 25 Dec, 2015 @ 2:23pm 
We have been abandoned :(
Dino Gazz 10 Dec, 2015 @ 8:49pm 
Fire dragon has abandoned us
✪Jamesam 24 Nov, 2015 @ 4:38pm 
This server was the best
Zeta 17 Oct, 2014 @ 4:09pm 

Snoper4Hoyre 8 Oct, 2014 @ 1:27pm 
Snoper4Hoyre 8 Oct, 2014 @ 1:26pm 
Right when i decide to come back on the server its gone D:
FooGooLoon 2 Oct, 2014 @ 4:58pm 
crys and crys and crys and crysesesesesesesee
Zeta 27 Aug, 2014 @ 1:50pm 
Crustacean Cheapskate 26 Jul, 2014 @ 8:54pm 
N.O. War has fallen.
Nick or Somethin' Idk 17 Jul, 2014 @ 2:01pm 
I use to be Navi on these servers, But I cant even find the servers anymore :c
FooGooLoon 13 Jul, 2014 @ 10:10am 
Crys :'(
DollarOnTheLeft 8 Jul, 2014 @ 8:36am 
back on the 1st server the Q menu is broked
DollarOnTheLeft 8 Jul, 2014 @ 6:04am 
hey guys im back
nice to see ya again:riften:
Kriss_Chyle 7 Jun, 2014 @ 10:23am 
servers fine im on it right now
RaiderEight 1 Jun, 2014 @ 6:06pm 
Is the server down right now?
Pyr The Raven 1 Jun, 2014 @ 12:19pm 
Dalek im trying to get you unbanned
Irish MoFo 6 May, 2014 @ 10:41am 
why ar ther no on the N.O.WAR server????
Jojo Hill 24 Apr, 2014 @ 5:59pm 
its not
NoZaku 2 Apr, 2014 @ 6:17pm 
I also looked up the server on the gmod server index. it says that it is curretly down.
NoZaku 2 Apr, 2014 @ 6:12pm 
i have searched for "nations of war" and "N.O.War" on the server lists under sandbox gamemode. Is there any reason that it should not be showing up?
Fire Dragon 31 Mar, 2014 @ 12:55pm 
The IP changed
NoZaku 30 Mar, 2014 @ 9:23am 
is the server down for some reason? it is not showing up on the server list in gmod.
Absol 28 Mar, 2014 @ 4:57pm 
FooGooLoon 19 Mar, 2014 @ 4:29pm 
:3 :melon:
76561198085338755 10 Mar, 2014 @ 5:57pm 
we need a tf2 group Cx
Fire Dragon 9 Feb, 2014 @ 7:32pm 
em, why dont you go search in discussions
76561198085338755 9 Feb, 2014 @ 6:28pm 
erm, where's the collection...
Fire Dragon 30 Jan, 2014 @ 2:59pm 
Whos official? I told you its on the server 1 collection READ THE DESCRIPTION.
Pork 23 Jan, 2014 @ 10:50pm 
Hey Official where did you get the ACFmenu where you can select guns, I could only find the ACF weight tool.
radio 20 Jan, 2014 @ 2:26pm 
What is the password for the server?
Phoenix 20 Jan, 2014 @ 11:34am 
i was respected but my rank was named taskforce 007
76561198085338755 19 Jan, 2014 @ 10:28am 
@nathan -.- I asked them , they said it was not abuse of my power, there was a reason. even though I had a late reaction, it's not abuse. it would be abuse if I slayed/kicked you repeatedly, or decided to use the heavier more powerful commands in my grasp to abuse you.I think the worst command I have used was just ignite. and there's a way around that: medkit spam. also you did it from the safety of spawn. and you flung them at others. im quite sure if you got killed you could easily claim spawnkill and fool me into thinking that you were not flinging bombs from spawn to grounded craft. Therefore, take a few more seconds to think instead of strapping your thought process onto some bombs and throwing those into some poor guest's chopper, having your thought process get destroyed in the process. thank you.
Hollywood 18 Jan, 2014 @ 5:43pm 
There are witnesses as well Steel Serperior is one he saw him:Burn me,Whip me,Blind me and kick me twice for himself being butthurt of me telling him what "He" did wrong.
Hollywood 18 Jan, 2014 @ 5:41pm 
StormTrooper abused his powers after i threw bombs at heli's that were in the air and accused me of spawnkilling and destroying heli's on the ground
76561198085338755 14 Jan, 2014 @ 5:12pm 
Guys. the dev for regular gbombs says that it's broke, but GBE is not. thats why it;s all wire-only. if we remove it from the server and have only gbe, we can go back to doing our old crazy stunts like throwing compact tnt at eachother.
Manitou 4 Jan, 2014 @ 5:33pm 
Who is this Sebastian guy? Since when was he Owner?
Tenryuu 4 Jan, 2014 @ 12:53pm 
Crustacean Cheapskate 2 Jan, 2014 @ 9:08am 
Ive been noticing people have been makeing me a marked man all I can say is keep it up i love it!