กลุ่ม STEAM
KraxGaming Servers KraxGames
กลุ่ม STEAM
KraxGaming Servers KraxGames
6 พฤศจิกายน 2014
เกี่ยวกับ KraxGaming Servers

KraxGaming Servers!

The official Steam group for all KraxGaming servers.

Here you will get the latest information about my servers, if there are any new ones or how the status is at them.

Most servers use the ip gm.kraxarn.com btw. Link to joining the game coming soon enough xD

Website for server itself coming soon...

Server Status
Garry's Mod - Up / WIP
Team Fortress 2 - Up / WIP
Counter-Strike - In progress...

Web Server - Up
FTP Server - Up
Teamspeak 3 - Up

KraXarN - Me, the owner, duh
Fyseris - Admin of the GMod server
Aux - Admin of the GMod and TF2 server
Marc - Admin of the Teamspeak server

Info about the servers
Garry's Mod Server
Right now at least, this is an RP server, although it has a lot of other mods and stuff, so you can really do whatever you feel like doing. Really, it's a mix between RP and Sandbox.

You can view the list of mods currently installed on the server here and they are about 1 GB in total, so that shouldn't be a problem.

If you want some examples of mods I have, I have pony player models, as well as some other handy stuff, like cinemas, SCars and more! If you have suggestions for mods you want me to add, let me know, the server is still in beta after all and I'll add more as the time goes by.

Team Fortress 2 Server
This is going to be an attempt at making a modded TF2 server. I have modded GMod quite a bit, so I thought it would be basically the same, right? Not really though. They are quite different, since GMod is basically meant to mod and TF2 isn't.

If it's down, I'm working on it. Might be down for hours, days, who knows? It's also still far from alpha, just so you know.

Counter-Strike Source Server
Well, it's CS:S or Counter-Strike Source. What more to add? Basically about the same state as my TF2 server. I need to figure out how to mod it. Although, my TF2 server probably have higher priority, for now at least.

Teamspeak 3 Server
Probably the server with least down time. Up as long as my server is up and almost always an admin on, even if I'm not on it. Also, it really doesn't matter where you are from, as soon as you have a decent internet connection, it's going to be lag-free!

Server Location
The server is now located in Sweden, since I'm swedish, makes sense right?For people living over in America, I usually see a ping of around 100-150 ms. For games like GMod, it really doesn't matter, but for the other servers it's really just up to you. Should mostly be fine though.

My website[web.kraxarn.com]
Back again!
Re-creation of network!
5 ความเห็น
CTRL_V 21 ธ.ค. 2015 @ 9: 49am 
"You can view the list of mods currently installed on the server here and they are about 1 GB in total," O noes D;

fernando 20 ก.ย. 2015 @ 9: 55am 
quebec 11 ส.ค. 2015 @ 2: 09pm 
ヽ( ͡°╭͜ʖ╮͡° )ノ
hotsingleinyourarea 28 ก.ค. 2015 @ 4: 28am 
Best bot ever, keep up the good work
DaFish 30 ธ.ค. 2014 @ 11: 55am 
"Here you will get the latest information about my servers, if there are any new ones or how the status is at them." -GIFStudios 12/10
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6 พฤศจิกายน 2014