Kingdom of Spain ۩ KoS ۩
Kingdom of Spain ۩ KoS ۩
19 January, 2011
AW19 31 Dec, 2012 @ 5:21am 
I have a tier and I wanted to invite you to the tier. You may contact me or click on the link below:
Bran/Zeus127 24 Nov, 2011 @ 10:34am 
Lord marshall of the armies!
QuentinVw 28 Apr, 2011 @ 1:15pm 
QuentinVw 28 Apr, 2011 @ 12:40pm 
Midnight Defender 28 Apr, 2011 @ 10:06am 
so u accept?
QuentinVw 27 Apr, 2011 @ 10:47pm 
Midnight Defender 27 Apr, 2011 @ 6:33pm 
I hav a trade proposal from the great italian empire
QuentinVw 16 Apr, 2011 @ 9:40am 
no sorry
The Silent Voice 9 Apr, 2011 @ 4:51am 
Can I become heir of this kingdom?
moistsocks 8 Apr, 2011 @ 8:48pm 
JOIN any of the 3, the new republic of war, the indian ocean empire, or the northeastern african empire, TONS of positions open, first come first serve
QuentinVw 30 Mar, 2011 @ 11:37am 
avec plaisir,mon amis
Er-Murazor 30 Mar, 2011 @ 11:03am 
Bonjour chers amis.

Moi, George le troisième, je souhaiterai en tant que roi du Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande revendiquer les titres de Duc de Navare et de Governor of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
QuentinVw 29 Mar, 2011 @ 12:10pm 
Bran/Zeus127 27 Mar, 2011 @ 8:54am 
may i become the lord marshal of the armies, i am a good player
Hans von Štokrlic 28 Feb, 2011 @ 8:07am 
Hi, could someone give me an explanation why I was invited by the Spanish Group for Total War
QuentinVw 24 Feb, 2011 @ 3:39pm 
Kaiser und Zar Albert I 24 Feb, 2011 @ 3:00pm 
May I become the Duc of Badajoz?
QuentinVw 24 Feb, 2011 @ 12:04pm 
Sorry I did but no prince for the moment, none on my realm
76561198036091412 24 Feb, 2011 @ 7:13am 
Brother Joseph might I request Heir/Crown Prince?
QuentinVw 20 Feb, 2011 @ 7:36am 
76561198031332643 11 Feb, 2011 @ 1:02pm 
its very kind of you but no thanks.
QuentinVw 8 Feb, 2011 @ 11:44am 
Sorry there is already someone .tu wants another title
QuentinVw 5 Feb, 2011 @ 3:18am 
yes joachim
Mr. Tibbs 4 Feb, 2011 @ 12:44pm 
Very well, then I request Lord Marshal of the Army.
The Silent Voice 4 Feb, 2011 @ 7:32am 
an alliance with Kingdom of Naples?, accepted
QuentinVw 4 Feb, 2011 @ 5:49am 
but I prefer that there is no prince in my kingdom, I would never forsake
QuentinVw 4 Feb, 2011 @ 5:47am 
ohh ok
Mr. Tibbs 3 Feb, 2011 @ 11:19am 
P.S. I am Re Carlo Alberto I di Savoia, this is just my Shogun 2 RP name.
Mr. Tibbs 3 Feb, 2011 @ 11:18am 
Hey what happened to my position as Heir?! >:o(
QuentinVw 24 Jan, 2011 @ 7:55am 
Sir Jacob Alphington 24 Jan, 2011 @ 6:30am 
Could I change position to "Heir" ?
QuentinVw 23 Jan, 2011 @ 6:21am 
I do not understand or so please use google translation
Prime Edgemaster 23 Jan, 2011 @ 4:45am 
Império Português Imperio do Brasil and The Siamese Empire request an Alliance
Prime Edgemaster 23 Jan, 2011 @ 4:44am 
Minister of Justice
QuentinVw 23 Jan, 2011 @ 4:38am 
Sir Jacob Alphington 23 Jan, 2011 @ 3:52am 
Prime Minster, please.
QuentinVw 21 Jan, 2011 @ 2:28pm 
Vous pouvez venir les postes sont libre