STEAM グループ
Goku's Blessed keyforcard
STEAM グループ
Goku's Blessed keyforcard
Goku's Blessed について

Level up your account at the lowest price!

Step 1:
Simply add the bot as a friend.
You will get a message instantly after successfully adding the bot.

Step 2:
Click on "Send message" or open the chatbox to write the bot a message.
This will allow you to make a purchase or to get info about different things.

Step 3:
Now you can simply type !help and get further information about commands.

Step 4:
Use !buy (amount of keys) to get a trade offer from the bot.
Example: !buy 3
This will give you 54 Sets of Trading Cards.

Step 5:
Accept the trade offer send by the bot and get your Trading Cards. :)
This way you cant get scammed (You can even count the amount of sets ^^).

You´re done!


What type of keys do you accept?

All CS:GO keys are accepted, except for the capsule and community sticker ones.

Will the bot know which sets I have already crafted?

Yes! Once you add the bot as a friend, it is able to read your badge data and only send you the ones you need.

I have keys in my inventory, but it's telling me I don't have any?

The keys in your inventory must be tradeable to work. If you have recently bought them off the steam market, there is unfortunately a 7 day restriction before they can be used.

How many sets will I receive per key?

The price is currently set at 18 sets (1200 xp) per key.

Are you able to craft badges for games you don't own?

Yes you are.

What will I receive after I craft a badge?

-1 emoticon
-1 profile background
-1 discount coupon (lasts for 2 weeks)
-+5 friend list spaces for every 1 level gained

What are the benefits of having a high steam level?

-Larger friends list available
-Additional Profile Customization (+1 showcase per 10 level's gained)
-Increased chance of receving booster packs
-Visiblity, the higher your steam level, the more people are likely to visit your profile
-More trustworthy in cash trades

I you have any problems dont wait to ask me!
My Profile: Ohm

Want FREE $???
6 件のコメント
2.5 KOSMOS 2017年5月4日 15時27分 
Can you accept mee for Partnership?
DarkRaul03 2017年3月30日 20時04分 
Bro pls i need help with something can i add you?
Countross 2017年1月19日 0時23分 
Group for da homies
thonkas 2017年1月18日 18時23分 
Synept 2017年1月18日 18時16分 
its ya boi
freezeee 2017年1月18日 18時15分 
ayy lmao
1 チャット中