กลุ่ม STEAM
Invaders Must Die CS iMD |
กลุ่ม STEAM
Invaders Must Die CS iMD |
4 มกราคม 2011
เกี่ยวกับ Invaders Must Die CS

iMD | daphoN'
iMD | luiGi
iMD | newbi
iMD | sixteyninE
iMD | Cheng >3
iMD | >>Iraqi Soldier<<
iMD | H3ad

1) Hacks: Any Aimbots, Wall Hacks, Russian Walking, Speed Hacks, No Recoils, No Flashes, No Smokes will be frowned upon and will result in a permanent ban first time caught.

2) Spammers: I know that is not your fault but it ruins the game so get it sorted. First time you will be kicked, when you rejoin you will be told to sort it out. Second time you will banned for 5 mins. Then 45 mins each time, spammers will not be perm banned.

3) Dis-Respecting Admins: Anybody who disrespects me or any admins will be kicked straight away, what we say stands and you will be kicked. Repeat offenders will be banned for 60mins.

4) Camping: As I am used to LAN Tournaments and stuff, i know camping is part of the game, however, basecamping is not. Any terrorist or counter terrorist found base camping will be slayed or slapped for the amusement of the server. If you are a terrosrist and you have the bomb, make sure you plant it, don't walk past a bomb site or camp, you will be slain or even kicked if your being an idiot.

5) AFK: It does not take much to press "Esc" and disconnect from the server, do not just stay on the server and be away for more than 2 mins. I will let people off for one round (slay), after that i will kick them, if they rejoin and AFK again, well they are messing me around so i will ban them for 30mins.

6) Pressuring Admins: Don't cry to admins about someone having hacks or to change a map, admins wont change map until you have played a considerable amount on the map about to be changed. With hackers they will spec then ban, do not pressurise them into making rash descions... Admins have the trained eye for spotting a cheater, so be patient.

Our Website[www.invadersmustdiecs.webs.com]
Clan Members: Jan 2011
4 ความเห็น
Scribble* 6 ก.ย. 2011 @ 8: 24pm 
to many cheaters in here for me ...byeeeeeeee :*(
THC-Pow3rful 3 ก.ค. 2011 @ 10: 19am 
Hello .Who want to get a nice CS1.6 server with nice ping just contact me or check www.pow3rful.com Thanks
Ŧסּᶆᶥᵬ_ᵬᶥסּᶆŦ 20 ม.ค. 2011 @ 11: 43am 
LOL 4 ม.ค. 2011 @ 5: 53pm 
uuuuu MD | sixteyninE
0 ในแช็ต
4 มกราคม 2011