STEAM グループ
Left 4 Dead 2's Law of Ragequitting
STEAM グループ
Left 4 Dead 2's Law of Ragequitting
Left 4 Dead 2's Law of Ragequitting について

When your team starts to win in versus or scavenge.. The other team does as follows:

Player 1 leaves because his team sucks and they are losing, he wants to keep his "perfect record".
Player 2 soon follows because the teams are is now unbalanced, or perhaps he is Player 1's butt buddy.
Player 3 tags along because he doesn't like playing with just 2 people and fails to realize there is something called Quick Join.
Player 4 is alone so he understandably quits, being the least guilty out of all 4 because he was the last to leave.

Added variables to RQ:

*AFK teammate
*Being incapped at 0/16 cans poured
*No mics being used
*Failed return-to-lobby vote
*Zero teamwork (people running off from the group to get cans)
*Infailcted, ex attacking when no other teammates have respawned
11 件のコメント
/\/\Я. ✗ 2010年1月8日 11時48分 
exactly. if they had waited an extra 5 seconds, the game would have started.
Sir Robin of Loxley 2010年1月7日 20時22分 
Added note, people ragequit the room becasuse no one will stay.
Sir Robin of Loxley 2010年1月7日 20時21分 
I have to add something to you Mr.X. I've noticed people 'lobby hopping'. They join a lobby, stay for a few seconds, then leaves. I'm a lobby leader often and 99 times out of 100 the game could of started way sooner if people just stayed.
/\/\Я. ✗ 2010年1月7日 13時58分 
How about adding this to the law? Lobby raging. Basically what happens is people join nearly full lobbies (i.e. they are the 7th or 8th and final person in the lobby) and they get too impatient because the leader doesnt start the match right away, and they leave. It annoys the hell out of me.
Rayvn Madd 2010年1月2日 16時54分 
Why don't we make a "Left 4 Dead Laws of Ragequiting" cause almost the same thing happens in that one too. >.<
Zerosilence 2009年12月31日 15時10分 
quick join doesn't allow you to select a campaign. Boned
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