Hyper Esper HYPE-S
Hyper Esper HYPE-S
11 Januari 2019
Bhs. Inggris
TENTANG Hyper Esper

Welcome to Hyper Esper. Get your Esper hyped.

Welcome. We are Luminosity Gaming Risers (formerly Hyper Esper). We are a new TF2 competitive team. Our team is starting off in the 6s and we will eventually expand to other leagues, and eventually games, as we grow. Our team is not backed by the actual Luminosity Gaming organization; we cheer for them and this is one of our ways of supporting them.

We will eventually have CSGO, PUBG, Gears of War and Rocket League divisions coming soon.
The First Way Upward! :-)
Attention all Highlander fighters!!!

For those of you who are returning to the team, welcome back! For those of you who are new and/or just joined, welcome aboard!!! Welcome to Luminosity Gaming TF2. We are honored to have you aboard and it is an honor to fight alongside with all of you determined warriors. Some of you may be of different backgounds. You may be sneaky-beaky, terrorizing to the bone, a blood thirsty vampire, one who fights for their respective convictions, one who awaits evolving or has already evolved. Whatever or whoever you may be, you are all brilliant fighters. :-D Together, we are going to put ourselves - leaders and teammates alike - in unison on the road to victory.

Welcome to the North American UGC Highlander Season 28! :-D

All information with regards to matches will be posted in the announcements. Events notifications will also provide reminders to be ready for matches in the hours leading up to the match. Remember that the default day for matches will be on Sunday evenings, but they may be rescheduled to Saturdays or Fridays. We will make sure to set a date that works for everyone who can attend, but Sunday will remain the default. Scrims will be set for Fridays. If there is any problem with attending, please provide notification to Blanc ASAP so something can be arranged (i.e. sub, match time change, etc.)

We will always put the team first.

As for our first match, we will be facing Team 'Justin and the boys' on Pl_Upward. Make sure you take some when possible to practice on Upward. Bring your own playstyle and loadout as you wish, but work together.

Illuminate your inner strength! :-D

From the Lowlands to the Highlands
Attention all hyper warriors!

Message from Blanc:

As the 2018-2019 UGC Winter Season wraps up, the 2019 UGC Spring Season is coming up next. That means registrations and role-sortings have been opened.

As I mentioned from the last post, I stated that I am opening the Highlander team once the season ends, which it has. The reason why I decided to open the Highlander team was because I felt really upset for ending up forcing people to play the 6v6 classes they're not comfortable playing. Some of us came in as Heavy mains, Spy mains, and other offclasses. With Highlander, we will all have more freedom to choose our best classes.

Also, I mentioned previously that I set up a Google survey to help collect feedback and help improve the team. I'm still accepting feedback and I have been putting it to good use. For those of you who have filled it out, your feedback has been highly appreciated and won't be wasted. If you haven't had a chance to fill it out, you are more than welcome to click here[] to complete it. Please feel free to provide constructive feedback and it will help a lot with the team reforms.

As for our Highlander division, it should be open by tomorrow from the day of this post and we can start recruiting. If you want to join, you are more than welcome to do so. You are more than welcome to continue playing on the 6v6 division if you wish or you can transfer. I have no problem if you wish to retire, but I encourage you to continue. Ultimately, everyone has a voice. The decision is ultimately belongs to you.

Once again, thanks for a great 6v6 Season 29. As I always say, a failure is not a failure; a failure is a setback. Highlander registrations should be open by tomorrow. Expect further news in a follow up post. Feel free to DM me if you have any concerns you want to discuss. Don't be silent;it's always good to talk early. Thanks again and have a nice day.

Good luck and may the crits be ever in your Esper. :-D

1 Komentar
Blanc (Next White) 26 Jan 2019 @ 11:58pm 
Everyone on the team will get their chance to play throughout the season. :BBupr:
Grup Pemain Terbaik Minggu Ini:
Ke ruang obrolan
11 Januari 2019
Bhs. Inggris