Heroes of Remnant RWBY {HoR}
Heroes of Remnant RWBY {HoR}
14. oktober 2015
OM Heroes of Remnant

The Official RWBY: Grimm Eclipse Group

Welcome everyone!~

I am proud to declare this new RWBY group officially open!! *crowd goes wild as fireworks explode*

If you are new to the group, please check the Announcements section to get up to date on all the Grimm Eclipse news!!

I look forward to seeing fellow RWBY fans and gamers come together here in light of the new game being just around the corner, and hope that this place grows into one where people can connect, play games together and socialize. :) Feel free to add people to the group Please as always be welcoming to new people and always be your cheery, friendly selves. <3

Now to be clear the rules from the Facebook group will also translate over to the chat room here and include:

1). Discussions are allowed. However, if the thread suddenly becomes an argument it will be removed.
2.) Non-RWBY post are NOT allowed, UNLESS it contains subjects about Anime, Gaming, Movies, TV Shows, Music, Comics, and/or Rooster Teeth related post. Personal posts and any posts considered spam will be removed and the poster given a warning
3.) No nudity, pornographic or over sexualized images. First offense will result in a warning, second offense is a week’s suspension from the group, and the third offense will result in a permanent ban.
4.) Threads, images, or discussions about controversial pairings/ships will result in deletion of post. This means no pedophilic pairings, and no incest ships. (Enabler is another term for incest.)
5.) No RWBY-related spoilers are allowed in this group UNLESS they are under a specificaly labelled SPOILERS discussion thread.
6.) Please keep Re-Posts to a minimum.
7.) Roleplayer's may find roleplay partners and other roleplayer's, but do not roleplay in threads. Please keep roleplaying in Private Messages or join a roleplay group.
8.) No picture threads. Some picture threads are allowed, as long as there aren't 50 images. Posts seen breaking these rules will be removed and the creator of the thread will receive a warning. If the case so happens that a character from RWBY is in a LEGIT Death Battle, that will be allowed to be talked about.
9.) Do not advertise or ask for links to illegal downloads of videos or music, we do not condone this behavior. Please buy the stuff you are looking for and help support the creator, you buy it and they can keep making it.
10.) No hating or hate posts on other fandoms within this group. Anyone seen doing this will be punished immediately in the manner stated in rule 3.
11.) 18+ Fanfics are allowed to be posted under 2 strict conditions: 1. there is a NSFW label on it and 2. it has to be linked with no thumbnail
12.) Racism, sexism and Racist comments will not be tolerated and will result in an INSTANT non-negotiable month long suspension from the group
13.) Troll page posts are banned and the poster will be warned.

RWBY Facebook Group[]
Official RWBY game[]
Combat Revision Beta Patch
Hello Heroes of Remnant!

We have a new update on our hands! The team has been listening to the comminity's feedback on the “Combat Revision Beta” and this one is packed full of improvements and refinements that were made to the combat system to make it feel fast, fluid and satisfying.

If you’ve opted in for the beta prior, you’ll get this update automagically. Directions to opt-in can be found in a previous announcement if you are unsure how to get this. This update will become the default version of the game soon, so if you are a fan of the old style of combat, enjoy it while you can guys!

This update will also include:

Refinements to the core combat system
  • Speedier combat animations and blending

  • Removed a lot of cooldowns, windups, etc. from attacks

  • Changes to combat counters to add more challenge - you can now only counter 1 enemy at a time, you can fail a counter if you miss the prompt, and counter prompts are now shorter.

  • Damage balancing for both playable characters and enemies

  • You can now continue a combo even if you dodge or counter mid-combo

  • More ways to trigger Team Attacks
Refinements to the camera system
  • Removed much of the auto-adjusting for Keyboard & Mouse players

  • Closer-in combat camera with variable distances

  • Sprinting now always uses explore camera
Refinements to combat encounters
  • Added more randomization to encounters

  • Spaced out timing of enemy spawning during an encounter
Audio improvements
  • Blake’s placeholder VO has been replaced with actress Arryn Zech’s.

  • Volume Mix normalization

  • New sound effects for enemies

  • New UI sounds
Bug Fixes
  • Weiss’ “Frost Bolt” (Tier 3 ranged) now unlockable when completing her ranged mastery challenge

  • Weiss’ ranged attack now breaks environmental objects

  • Fixed issue where you would get automatically logged-out in Single Player Offline mode

  • Fixed multiple issues around seeing Friends’ games in a lobby and not being able to join their game

  • Fixed collision issues in Emerald Forest and Mountain Glenn (apologies to the speed runners out there)

  • Mutant Grimm no longer spawn in Mountain Glenn part 1
Known Issues
  • Characters can be seen fidgeting when two players attempt the same Team Attack (Still tracking how this happens)

  • Some performance issues (If you report issues, please include your machine's specs)
C-C-Combo Maker

When the first version of the opt-in beta went live, I designed some rudimentary combo charts for the characters to help players who were unsure of how to tackle the new system. Seems that the games team liked the idea and +1 up'd me by making their own flashier charts. I'll link both sets for you below if you want to check them out:

Character Moves and Combo Guides

Note that, while in the air, a heavy attack essentially ends your input string. For air combos, the following simply show the longest input string possible. You can certainly light+ heavy if you’d like. Ground combos differ in that each string ending in a heavy attack yields a unique heavy attack animation. There are other variables to help mix things up. When you’re done reading all this, hop into a game and start experimenting for yourselves!


These are unchanged from our last update. As players beat up on Grimm, their Ultimate bar fills. Initiating an Ultimate move damages all Grimm surrounding the player. These moves also have a chance to open a Team Attack.

Team Attacks

There have been a few additions of and changes to Team Attacks. The first iteration of them left folks wondering how to do them. Well, there’s a bit of mathematical wizardry happening under the hood. Each heavy attack has a probability to open up a Team Attack. Other things like counters and Ultimates have these probabilities too.

Want a guaranteed way to to Team Attack? Hitting any stunned enemy with a fully charged heavy attack will open a Team Attack. 100% If you absolutely, positively gotta Team Attack any creature of Grimm in the room, accept no substitute.

Give Feedback!
The team are always listening to the comments from our awesome community. Speak your mind in the Steam forums, or even directly @Skilltacular on Twitter.
Keep it up, team!

Wanna reach the team directly?
They're a busy bunch, but all love taking a little time to chat with the community. Say hey!

Name: Position: Steam Name or @Twitter

•Michael: Game Director: @MPHadwin

•Casey: Senior Engineer: @CaseyDonnellan

•Abe: Senior Designer: @RobertsonAbe

•Andy M: Senior Producer: Wizard_Poop (on Steam)

•Jeff: Game Engineer: @JC_Chamberlain

•Andy C: Artist/Level Designer: @MaximumCortez

•Jordan: Animator/VFX: @Jordy_JS

•Brian: Associate Producer: @Skilltacular

Happy Hunting,
Rooster Teeth Games

Follow up Update: Guard and Team Attacks
Guard Break

If you played what’s currently available on Steam, you know there’s a fair amount of mashing the melee button required when fighting enemies. Well, enemy behaviors are changing that ask the player to mix up how they approach various threats.

As you’ll see in the gif here: , Weiss is beating up on a Beowolf with a series of standard light attacks. The baddie is guarding against her attacks so they do less damage. There are two ways to break this Grimm’s guard. 1) The player can simply keep mashing light attack and the Beowolf will eventually break out of guard, or 2) The player can charge up a heavy attack and send the enemy reeling! An example of that can be seen here:

You will probably also notice the special bars have disappeared and replaced with an ULTIMATE bar. So as you can imagine the way you build up your ultimate power now has changed, as well as all the upgradable skills that were tied to the old special abilities.

Team Attacks

So we have the awesome RWBY characters right? They have some banter between each other for now, which is ok. What if we ramped up the team interactions and let you set each other up for team attacks? Well, that’s becoming a reality!

Let’s say Yang is giving a Beowolf the business. She lands a fully full string of light attacks that leaves the poor ol’ Grimm stunned. Ruby is close enough to see the stunned baddie, hits her team attack prompt, and launches in with her Reap ability. Both characters get XP and eventually there will be a unique voiceover tied to the event. Several factors need to be right to initiate a team attack. For now, let’s keep it simple. We’ll let you experiment when the update drops. Now, if only there were names for various pairings of characters... Oh wait!!

Yang sets Ruby up for a team attack!

F.A.Q Wrap-Up

Myself and the dev team get asked frequently loads of questions on a variety of topics. So i'm just going to summarise some of the most common ones here for you right now!

Will there be a Mac version?
•It’s not at the top of the list, but it’s on the list. You will get it eventually.

Will RWBY: Grimm Eclipse come to console?
•For now were are focused on the PC version. After that, we’d love to explore other options.

Will the bug where Yang has too many limbs be fixed?
•We have no idea why people keep asking this??!! To re-iterate this, the story of RWBY: Grimm Eclipse is set between the event of Volume 2 and Volume 3 of the Series proper. At no point in this game will Yang lose a limb. Find some chill people!!

Give Us Feedback!

As always, keep sounding off in around the web. The team is always listening, always! Speak your mind in the Steam forums, /r/RWBY on Reddit, or even directly @Skilltacular on Twitter. Keep it up, team!

Everything outlined in this update will become available this coming week so keep an eye out folks and I hope to see you out on the battlefield!

Happy Hunting,
Rooster Teeth Games

15 kommentarer
Permafrost 24. feb. 2017 kl. 1:16 
beewyka819 28. juni 2016 kl. 18:52 
No, no it's not active
Smuggy 28. apr. 2016 kl. 16:55 
Yo is this still active?
Greenjaws 23. apr. 2016 kl. 8:16 
@lipsych we're already friends ;) haha
Psychoshrooms69 21. apr. 2016 kl. 17:42 
@GreenJaws Well, friend me and I'll stay in contact to let ya know when I record and episode.
Psychoshrooms69 21. apr. 2016 kl. 17:41 
@[Void]beewyka829 Well I am off on mondays and saturdays. Those are the days I record edit and upload.
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14. oktober 2015