Guild Wars 2 - Official /v/ Guild GW2 - /v/g/
Guild Wars 2 - Official /v/ Guild GW2 - /v/g/
게임 중
2011년 7월 25일
Guild Wars 2 - Official /v/ Guild 정보

The Official 4chan /v/ and /vg/ GW2 Steam Community!

While not a singular Guild, the GW2 Steam community acts as a central hub for any denizen of /v/ and /vg/ playing the game or wanting to talk about it. Organize cross-guild events, meet friends, speculate, complain, or simply talk about whatever, game-wise.

If you see any GW2 threads throw in a friendly link to this group and spread the info.


///////////////////////////////////////////Guild Wars 2 Guild Info/////////////////////////////////////////////////

Oh hey look it's finally here: If you're looking for SORD in Guild Wars 2, here's a handy URL!

And all their relevant information, leadership and such, is all where you'd expect it to be on their page.

///////////////////////////////////////////Guild Wars Guild Info////////////////////////////////////////////////////

For anyone wanting to play some Guild Wars and earn your Hall Of Monumens points there is a somewhat active guild. Feel free to try /w some of the names below for an invite. If not, ask around in a Guild Wars General thread.

>>The Sword Swingers [SORD]

-Hattori Miki
-Jeeroy Lenkins
-Raziel Archer
-Kazami Yuuka
-Dio Holy Diver
-Lord Nosson

Be chill and help bros out - we all want that 30/50, after all. If you want to join up and don't get a response feel free to enter the chat room and ask around- many of the chat regulars have contacts in one guild or the other and can fix you up. If you would like to have your name or guild added to this page please feel free to contact Taco Belmont or Kipz.
인기 토론글
최근 공지
Not Long Now!
댓글 86
Kipz 2011년 12월 15일 오전 9시 03분 
Yeah the guild wars guild is still alive as far as i know. Just whisper one of the contacts
Joey Jojo Jr 2011년 12월 14일 오후 6시 03분 
Can't wait to be a salad man
Cleru 2011년 12월 13일 오전 11시 34분 
need more HoM points! is /v/ guild still alive?
Drifter 2011년 12월 12일 오후 7시 11분 
Valkyrie Norn Gaudian, fuck yes
Caedris 2011년 12월 12일 오후 1시 44분 
Mesmer revealed, body ready. IT'S LEGIT I SWEAR
Yakiniku Party 2011년 12월 9일 오후 3시 41분 
Dusk cycle Sylvari Elementalist, reporting for duty.
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4 채팅 중
채팅방 입장
2011년 7월 25일
관계된 게임