Aftermath RPG gmaftermath
Aftermath RPG gmaftermath
20 febbraio 2011
290 commenti
Mr. Bird 15 mar 2022, ore 18:05 
Shoutout to the OG RP_Apocalypse Brahmin Hunters who remember this. :missing:
Jack 27 nov 2017, ore 19:10 
No chance of it coming back. Silverlan blocked me left the group and blocked everyone else that had anything to do with it. I beleive he still has me blocked to this day. He removed all files from the servers I hosted and To this day I still don't know what his issue was and the lies he's been telling people about the files "being lost" because it's simply been bullshit. Files don't just get lost when you have them hosted in multiple locations.
{Glass Lemonade} 9 ott 2017, ore 9:27 
I've been hearing alot about this "aftermath gamemode" and alot of people seem to be sad about it's removal, i guess? I want to know what it it was and is there a chance of it coming back?
Cpt. Hazama 3 ott 2017, ore 18:04 
Greatest gamemode in Garry's Mod history
Stiff Michael 8 mar 2014, ore 5:42 
Can anyone tell me how to get on the server
Salatm 12 ago 2013, ore 12:18 
It has been almost one year since the aftermaths shutdown, and i was going through my screenshots of my gmod, and i have alot of aftermath screenshots. Its funny because from the first screenshot i took, their was 1-5 people on, as it went up, the most that joined were 6-10 people intill the glitching started to occur. Anyways, if you ever want to go down memory lane of the aftermath, just check out my screenshots of gmod from the bottom first.
Cpt. Hazama 9 lug 2013, ore 0:58 
Ido he hasn't done a new addons lately. Maybe is he remaking it.
sexual dracula 19 giu 2013, ore 20:29 
Is it dead?
Maxwell 12 giu 2013, ore 8:32 
Any News?
joshyspaghetti 2 feb 2013, ore 14:12 
Can you guys please make this for gmod 13 I don't care if its not possible just do it some how please I will love you guys for lyf
GREYGOOSE TV 21 gen 2013, ore 15:02 
just a small question to silverlan, well, you made a gmod liberty prime, and that i installed SLVbase, half life reniassance, and the liberty prime mod. i found a way to install everything into gmod 13 but i dont see prime on the npc or entity list. but i have the models, but no npc P.S. i don't know hoe SNPCS work.
str00dle 30 dic 2012, ore 3:34 
I'd love to play Aftermath, it was one of the reasons i got a new PC, that and Far cry 3 :) But anyway, if you guys were able to fix ye' old girl up again i'd help adverties it. You should also make a Moddb page about it so more people can find it.
TT Cream 17 dic 2012, ore 19:43 
I could never get Svn working for some reason and that's why I never joined. I would love to see this gamemode com back to light. I would love to try it just once.
Salatm 22 nov 2012, ore 19:05 
There were alot of people coming on near the end of gmod 12. It went from 1 to 5 players, per day, to 6 to 15 players. Then a glitch started where you couldnt spawn and people stopped joning. I think the server would have filled up slowly if it didnt glitch.
Before i got into the aftermath gamemode i couldnt wait for silverlan to release his npcs, now i think to myself, i had more fun playing the aftermath than with his npcs on a sandbox. It felt like i was playing an actually game, not a gamemode on gmod.
Jack 9 nov 2012, ore 9:39 
i don't know how any of you lot say it was an amazing gamemode since i only saw about 12 members in this group even play. how can you expect someone to want to finish the gamemode when less than 15 people could be bothered to take intrest in it
CelestialCrowArts 1 nov 2012, ore 15:06 
I cant wait for him to finish releasing the rest of his fo3 snpcs. The ones he allready did so cool.
LOL DUDE 29 ott 2012, ore 17:53 
It'll be a shame if the gamemode stays dead. It had so much potential, being an incredibly moddable version of Fallout 3/NV.
Jack 29 ott 2012, ore 5:33 
when silverlan decides he would like to carry on the gamemode as far as i can see and do not use that leaked snpcs they won't work just get his offcial pack on the workshop
realgoblin 28 ott 2012, ore 21:27 
When will we get an American server? And when, if ever, will this be fixed for Gmod 13?
Charchadon 12 ott 2012, ore 23:15 
Server DIE !
Later Man 12 ott 2012, ore 12:19 
he didnt remove the aftermath gameplay. he made it private im quite sure he just wants alone time to work on things for the server and work on other important projects.
Falcon Eagle 11 ott 2012, ore 16:57 
It would be sad to see the server go, so much work went into the server
CelestialCrowArts 11 ott 2012, ore 16:21 
And yes it is his.
CelestialCrowArts 11 ott 2012, ore 16:19 
Hey if he is done with his stuff can we do something with this fo3 snpc pack .
CelestialCrowArts 11 ott 2012, ore 16:12 
His uploads are still up.
LOL DUDE 11 ott 2012, ore 14:33 
He blocked me on steam, too, and he also removed all of his YouTube videos of Aftermath gameplay.
It's as if he wants to forget that it even happened in the first place.
CelestialCrowArts 11 ott 2012, ore 9:10 
Wait i found a fo3 snpc pack and its Silverlans and it works to!
Jack 11 ott 2012, ore 7:38 
1 silverlan blocked me 2 i've now canceled the server so i don't know what you expect me to do, its silverlans work he can do what he wants with it. i'm sorry :l
CelestialCrowArts 10 ott 2012, ore 15:53 
I can help you out. First no one can download the server cuse of a unknown password thing you need. Second the server need to be ported to gmod 13. Third silverlan is gone as you can see. Forth the fallout and masseffent snpcs are released yet tipical lol. Fith we don`t know if he will continue the project. So thats all i got hope it helped.
Falcon Eagle 10 ott 2012, ore 14:44 
What happend to the server? I never got any info, and plus silverlan left! D: Jack help! And I can't SVN update I am sorry for this comment but that server was one of my favorites even if I did get pissed off for not getting good gear but noobs getting good gear off of mantis' :P
CelestialCrowArts 10 ott 2012, ore 11:08 
sry for my bad english
CelestialCrowArts 10 ott 2012, ore 11:07 
Ok this is getting stupid if we cant get the mod now were just left with the skyrim and doom npcs. Yes there cool but we just need the fo3 masseffect snpcs i think we would all set but he won`t release them. So now we cant even se them on servers we can fix this with some cool release of his npcs. Im sry for harsh comment but i been waiting years for a good npc pack for both gmods so if can do somthing to make all of us feel sanctified with his cool stuff, or at least fix the servers.
Jack 16 set 2012, ore 8:57 
at the moment i have no clue if he is even going to continue the project but if he does i have a server for him to run it on that is all i know
AstonishedMorray 16 set 2012, ore 6:02 
am i right?
AstonishedMorray 16 set 2012, ore 4:31 
so for example everyone can run aftermath on G13?
Jack 16 set 2012, ore 3:35 
from what silverlan told me he ported it ages ago so this should not of been a problem
Maxwell 15 set 2012, ore 5:41 
password is there probably because it is relased Gmod13, and when the mod is fully compatible with this version svn will be unpasswored or is it on purpose?
XNA Dev 13 set 2012, ore 16:47 
wait so no one knows the password??? FUUUU
XNA Dev 13 set 2012, ore 16:41 
ok thanks
Jack 13 set 2012, ore 9:20 
XNA read the comments on the group and cookiemonster3000 i'm a admin because i hosted the server for the gamemode and kept it maintained
XNA Dev 12 set 2012, ore 20:03 
Hey guys whenever i try to download whats in the SVN repostory it says authentification failed. Is there some sort of password i need to know???
AstonishedMorray 10 set 2012, ore 8:32 
Hey guys
zane 8 set 2012, ore 14:52 
Why are you even Admin of this group?
Jack 4 set 2012, ore 14:48 
Jack 4 set 2012, ore 14:47 
the uk aftermath server is mine i'm keeping it up for 1 month if silverlan just appears again and i have been told nothing of his disappearance so i can enlighten anything at the moment sorry
zephune 4 set 2012, ore 8:48 
Jaw 3 set 2012, ore 14:50 
um. i was scroling around my favoris list and i found the uk aftermathserver playing sandbox. is it coming back up or what is going on?
Jaw 3 set 2012, ore 8:47 
um i did some looking, silverlan did leave. he did not change his name so i was able to find him with no trouble. his profile is private so. i am going to leave it at that.
Jaw 3 set 2012, ore 8:42 
what you think he is trying to do something? dont you have the password or a coppy of the mod you can post?