Gingerbread Private gingyprive
Gingerbread Private gingyprive
게임 중
2016년 1월 18일
Gingerbread Private 정보

GiNGeRBReaD Cookies Group Only Gameplay

Get ready to play in a cooperative survival world. The world settings may be set to make it challenging for players such as complete darkness.. Please suggest the world settings you wanna play down below.

Group is invite only. If you want to attend to our sessions, please ask me or other admins and moderators for an invitation. Because server will be a group only server.
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Moderators and Admins can invite people to the group too
GC2 server is a group only server
댓글 12
Invader Tee 2018년 11월 11일 오전 10시 12분 
I think for now I will leave this group since no one really interacts any more...

If anyone ever wants to get together on a server and try our hand at survival like the good old days, just give me a yell or another invite and I'd be happy to tag along :steamhappy:
mel celeste 2017년 10월 23일 오후 6시 43분 
Hey! If anyone wants to play "The Forge" just add me! :2016roasted:
Gingercook 2016년 2월 4일 오후 11시 17분 
oh hi artemiy thnk you very much for that kind offer. Yea I really started the server for group only or lets call it private server but I am really indecisive about this server from the very beginning. Should I make it a hardcore world? should i make it pvp or should i make it private endless or private survival... I don't really think to have a third server because currently even 2 servers keeps me too busy as I really wanna have a certain standard in my servers which makes a difference than other servers out there but yeah if in furure i have an idea I would let you know.

In my opinion you should also open a hardcore survival worlds (puzzle kind of worlds. Just messing with options to find some survivable hardcore worlds).
artemiy 2016년 2월 1일 오후 4시 39분 
give me a shout if you come up with idea and need a server to host it on, I will provide, if GB wants.
TROLOLOLOL 2016년 1월 22일 오후 4시 05분 
Let us know when a private server is up
Frosty_Mentos 2016년 1월 20일 오전 1시 43분 
Is the server currently working?
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2016년 1월 18일