Funhavers funhave
Funhavers funhave
9. august 2010
United States 
18 kommentarer
[Star Lord] Beffah 4. okt. 2010 kl. 15.30 
Also, Final Justice!, problem fixed.
[Star Lord] Beffah 4. okt. 2010 kl. 15.11 
Yay we didn't fuck up yet!
king of hearts 4. okt. 2010 kl. 13.26 
Ah christ...
Soda Popinski 4. okt. 2010 kl. 11.33 
No wonder I thought Final Justice! wasn't on the etf2l site. He input his STEAMID incorrectly (you forgot the 202 at the end, buddy), so it doesn't link properly. That's not a problem, is it? Because you can't redo that.

EDIT: I noticed in the game report that both twocalf and Final Justice! were listed as unregistered players (therefore treated as mercs?). I know twocalf is on the list now, but I don't think that Final Justice will be recognized until the STEAMID issue is fixed. Can he create a new account and be added to the team officially (again), still?
[Star Lord] Beffah 20. aug. 2010 kl. 15.42 
afaik it's happening.
Dawning Horror 20. aug. 2010 kl. 14.33 
Anime Dude told me we might scrim with Zooloo's team but I just remembered that I have to go watch Scott Pilgrim tonight so I might not be back for it if it's happening. How long is Scott Pilgrim? It starts at like 5 central so if you know how long it is you might be able to guess when I get back? Whatevs, later.
Soda Popinski 20. aug. 2010 kl. 12.20 this happening or not?
[Star Lord] Beffah 11. aug. 2010 kl. 16.44 
Soda Popinski 11. aug. 2010 kl. 14.40 
Any and all your private information will be taken and used against you in a court of Anime.
HOOBASTANK 11. aug. 2010 kl. 1.23 
also my steam id is STEAM_0:0:17717315 if you want to add me, please dont use this information to hack me
HOOBASTANK 11. aug. 2010 kl. 1.17 
if you guys cant get a ridiculous sniper i'd be willing to do it, i used to be good i just dont play it that often since its boring (unless its some sniper cheese map like nucleus) but definitely put me down for an alt. medic
[Star Lord] Beffah 10. aug. 2010 kl. 15.44 
Hopefully our sniper can be more aggravating than those against us.
Cinnastar! 10. aug. 2010 kl. 13.06 
There's not an awful lot of time left to sort this out.
Cinnastar! 10. aug. 2010 kl. 13.05 
So like alternates? In that case we should get a bunch of people in here.
Soda Popinski 10. aug. 2010 kl. 8.04 
According to the site, it's required to have 10-14 people on the roster. Also, I have "an aggravatingly good sniper" in mind. I'll see if I can't recruit him.
Cinnastar! 9. aug. 2010 kl. 20.58 
Also, we need a sniper. An agrivatingly good sniper.
Cinnastar! 9. aug. 2010 kl. 20.57 
I demand to be player of the week or I'm walking.
[Star Lord] Beffah 9. aug. 2010 kl. 18.59 
You made yourself player of the week? Lame.