Fun & Gun <( FNG )>
Fun & Gun <( FNG )>
9 March, 2012
United States 
Stripes the Tactical Zebra 19 Nov, 2013 @ 11:03pm 
Wassup team! I am back! I am finally building a gaming rig, so I will be killing all you noobs with a throwing knife yet again! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
BarfingRainbows 9 Apr, 2013 @ 7:50pm 
fuck ya!
7ThAssass1N OZ 2 Mar, 2013 @ 8:47am 
OOOOOOOH MY EFFFIN GOOOOOOORSH!!! Took me over 15 HOURS to get my CSS to get past the valve screen so i could actually play.....THEN took me over 8 hours to figure out WHY THE FUCK MY INTERNET WASNT CONNECTING!!! OMFG LAAAAAME! My pc's way of saying WELCOME BACK TO CSS SUCKA!!! N E wayz LUV YA ALL
BarfingRainbows 9 Feb, 2013 @ 8:52am 
Good =)

I delayed the shutdown about 2 weeks since based on your comments I thought you or one of the other members would want to host one =)
7ThAssass1N OZ 7 Feb, 2013 @ 11:05pm 
MEH we still have options, in fact i think we MAY restart one of the second servers we had running, but shut down because of too little traffic, and too much work on the MAIN SERVER. BUT YEAH WE MAY HAVE A NEW/SECOND SERVER, HOPEFULLY before this server is shut down YAY!!!
BarfingRainbows 6 Feb, 2013 @ 6:11pm 
Server shut down on Feb. 21st. Meh.
BarfingRainbows 9 Apr, 2012 @ 3:12pm 
new gui -- to to the site to see it.
BarfingRainbows 29 Mar, 2012 @ 6:01pm 
Take a look at our simple Recruiting Process:
BarfingRainbows 28 Mar, 2012 @ 1:58pm 
ccheck out the steam chat client on andoid

it rocks
BarfingRainbows 22 Mar, 2012 @ 7:25pm 
vash is now out of FNG Gaming, sorry to see him go.
7ThAssass1N OZ 18 Mar, 2012 @ 2:37pm 
Also since i dont see our IP address anywhere imma post it here so ppl can join the server d=)
7ThAssass1N OZ 12 Mar, 2012 @ 8:45pm 
Welcome Everyone To Fun & Gun...Enjoy your stay and we love having you here.