กลุ่ม STEAM
Firex Gaming ★Firex★
กลุ่ม STEAM
Firex Gaming ★Firex★
16 พฤศจิกายน 2013
United States 
เกี่ยวกับ Firex Gaming

Firex Gaming, a friendly and interactive community for gamers to get together and hang out! Be sure to join for frequent giveaways, tournaments and more! Teamspeak server: ts3.firexgaming,com

Firex Gaming began on a Minecraft server, early in November 2013. It started as a group of close friends, all with a similar desire for greater community interaction and the chance the meet and mingle with other gamers with the same interests as them. With that, they began a website, firexgaming.com. The site boomed from the second it started, attracting hundreds of players from various regions and backgrounds together. The site ran smoothly for five months, until it was unfortunately forced to close due to insufficient funding to help run the site. However, all hope was not lost. The founders continued to search for more places to spread their group, and then, they found steam. Firex Gaming now thrives as a massive gaming community over several large gaming platforms and clients, Steam being one of the numerous places.

We aim to connect gamers, with gamers, to ensure the best possible playing experience for everyone. How often have you gone into a game, alone, only to find yourself hopelessly outnumbered against hordes of enemies? That can never happen again, simply go to Firex, and several skilled players will be ready to aid you in any task of your need.

We hope that you enjoy your time here, and remember the most important rule: always have fun! If you have any comments/ feedback, feel free to post a thread in the Discussions regarding your matter. If you have any questions/concerns, feel free to message any staff members that are currently online. They are open and completely willing to answer and question that you may have!

Sincerely, Firedaggers
(Firex Gaming Owner/Founder)

1. Respect all players and staff
Respect everyone. Just because someone isn't as good as you, doesn't mean you need to criticise them. If you find anyone being offensive/disrespectful to you, report them to a staff member and they will be dealt with.

2. Use appropriate language
Racism and homophobia will not be tolerated and will result in an instantaneous ban issued to all involved. Limited swearing is allowed, but not when it's directed at another player.

3. No advertising
Do not advertise another steam community/group under any circumstances, as this will draw away from the player base at Firex. This includes even mentioning another steam group, and it will result in an immediate and permanent ban.

TeamSpeak Public Server[ts3.firexgaming.com]
It's time for a giveaway!
What do you enjoy?
4 ความเห็น
Ruqtkim 18 ส.ค. 2014 @ 8: 40am 
hi hi hi :D
SCF 22 มิ.ย. 2014 @ 5: 38am 
pls make cs go tournament :D
YoungBeezy 26 เม.ย. 2014 @ 8: 27am 
Hiya, welcome to Firex :D
OnionBunnycakes 22 เม.ย. 2014 @ 1: 56pm 
Hello :happyz:
0 ในแช็ต
16 พฤศจิกายน 2013
United States 