Dark Souls 3 Shadow Server DS3SV
Dark Souls 3 Shadow Server DS3SV
4 de Maio de 2016
42 comentários
Paradoxyve 16 out. 2022 às 4:38 
Alguém pode me ajudar no Midir, por favor?
Lifelover 12 nov. 2021 às 10:46 
do you guys use any password??
Sampaio ◤✠◢ 10 out. 2021 às 13:00 
Alguém pra me ajudar a farma grilhões de vértebra ?
SzdarknesszS 19 ago. 2021 às 20:57 
Boa noite pessoal
rezesa 2 abr. 2021 às 12:38 
Somebody without the softban how be able to join the shadow server to co-op play? Is it possible to change server manually?
Biroska 22 mar. 2021 às 8:45 
alguém poderia me ajudar no nameless king?
Jack 23 jan. 2021 às 16:33 
alguém pode me dropar os aneis pra platinar o jg é uma das ultimas conquistas q me faltam
VILELLA 20 ago. 2020 às 11:24 
Fui banido sábado, recebi mais de 50 armar de presente!!! Olha o resultado... kkkk pior que não sabia o que era, excluí tudo reinstalei e nada... só depois fiquei sabendo do banimento. Bora começar tudo de novo.
sucata 15 jul. 2020 às 12:17 
alguem pra tirar pvp nas arenas?
DarkSans 15 abr. 2020 às 14:08 
Galera só novo fui banido hoje, por causa de um hacker! Exclui meus personagens pensando que voltaria! Ou seja vô começa um personagem do zero! Bora lá tamo junto!
UUB 7 jan. 2020 às 18:25 
bora jogar galera?
pvp pacto do sangue?
Japownais 7 jan. 2020 às 13:18 
Para os que ja estao aqui a um tempo, niguem aqui teve a conta normalizada (Voltou a poder usar o mode online normalmente) ?
✿PineappleWaffle✿ 23 nov. 2019 às 12:04 
alguem para jogar?
PaiolMaster 26 out. 2019 às 11:36 
alguem pra tirar um pvp nas arenas?
Cortes_m 26 ago. 2019 às 10:09 
alguem pode me ajudar na capela purificadora ????
agony 24 abr. 2019 às 8:24 
Levei penalização por usar o mod que duplica os boss, só que esqueci de ficar offline e acabei levando isso, e possivel tirar? já zerei o game 2x inclusive a dlc " pra quem quiser saber que mod e esse )
Altayrus San 16 abr. 2019 às 5:24 
Olá pessoas sou um novo menbro
Quincy_LEO 11 abr. 2019 às 12:37 
Algum BR aqui?
dreamshaper 14 nov. 2018 às 9:06 
dudes that get unban successfully
how you think, it is important to be online.. play PVE while you wait for unban?
I mean may be leave ds3 for 2 months and it's will help with it?
V A P O 21 ago. 2018 às 10:27 
someone can help on nameless king and lothirc brothers ?
SkyLine 25 jul. 2018 às 11:26 
Any1 want to play?
TheBongBarian 11 mar. 2018 às 16:20 
hey guys how does ths server work i just liek modding alot and i got penalized and my friend wnats to pve
erzcockrm 14 fev. 2018 às 14:54 
Excuse me, could someone explain to me how they organize the pvp? I would like to participate since a few days ago I was banned. And sorry for the bad english, it is not my native language and I dominate it like the ass :'v
Liquid Assassinoid 24 jan. 2018 às 23:25 
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ :(
Sinamoratum 17 jan. 2018 às 1:54 
it does automatically, wait for about one week
saBon 14 jan. 2018 às 7:24 
Asprofumo 4 jan. 2018 às 6:09 
I confirm, it happened to me too! :D
Sinamoratum 26 dez. 2017 às 2:57 
yeah happened to me
Asprofumo 10 dez. 2017 às 15:52 
Hi guys, so is that true that one can be cleaned from ban?
NevvShadow 13 abr. 2017 às 12:59 
Thank you.^^
NevvShadow 13 abr. 2017 às 10:56 
Because I'm not sure if I'm baned.
NevvShadow 13 abr. 2017 às 10:55 
Guys if u are baned, do u still get the message that u've been PENALIZED?
Exodium 3 mar. 2017 às 14:39 
HELP ME PLEASE i now have 1.10 patch with " you have been penalized " i have way of white circlet but i can't use ... i can see the blood , the message and other player ghost on my world ._. but i can't summon my friend and can't invade other player me ._. how i can fix this penalized???
Ecruben 30 jun. 2016 às 17:43 
ShakeZulahDaMicRulah is a cheater who has instakilled me with a one hit dagger not too long ago, ban him from the group if you like. Already reported him on steam
Sinamoratum 8 jun. 2016 às 15:55 
Just a little question : did the people in this server got a message saying "You've been penalized" ? I'm not sure if this count as a softban
Sunohara 16 mai. 2016 às 4:38 
Just got word that we can "appeal" to get unbanned.
but gotta be sure to play clean for 2 or more weeks.
guess i'll give it a try. going to delete my save on this account and start fresh.
that means i'll have to do all the super hard bosses again. lel
Pepe Silvia 12 mai. 2016 às 10:53 
PistolaoBR 11 mai. 2016 às 9:49 
Yeah Sunohara, lets invite everyone the you find on the shadow server as long he or she isnt a cheat or have a VAC BAN on his her profile, everyone here I invited at the main forum, people that didnt cheat and got softbanned, or people that I found on the server and were playing without cheating, lets make the community grow
Sunohara 11 mai. 2016 às 1:34 
Not a lot of people in this group yet. lol
my family shared account just got hit with invalid data today xD
i already tried deleting the entire save file now and started a new.
i'll wait and see if anything will happen to that on the next check.
for now. guess it's back to this account again. lol
PistolaoBR 5 mai. 2016 às 18:22 
Yes, so we can easily set pvp and coop on the shadow server...
Daiemio 5 mai. 2016 às 8:21 
Whelp, we know who IS banned now, GG ElHajen
Beam me up jesus 5 mai. 2016 às 0:47 
So this is for all the people who are banned?