A conference of doctors Dr.
A conference of doctors Dr.
6 de abril de 2009
ACERCA DE A conference of doctors

Mark it Dr.

Finally a place for doctors to be awesome.

Im a doctor and you can be too. It doesnt take 8 years of school and a PhD. All you need is a Dr. in front of your name.

Glossary of terms
Spout = Spy scout
Spemoman = Spy demo
Spyro = Spy pyro
Spedic = Spy medic
Spengie = Spy engie
Spevy = Spy Heavy
Spiper = Spy sniper
Spolger = Spy soldier
SPYSPYFU- = Spy spy

Note: the location of a spy can be abreviated in a similar way.
Ex: Spunderbridge = spy under bridge


Adverbs: Modifies an adjective, verb or another adverb. Doctors use these frequently. (Frequently is an adverb)

ASL: Also a/s/l. The act of inquiring about ones age, gender, and current place of residence.
Ex: 14/f/CA (A fourteen year old female from California)

The Aussie: Pronounced aw-zee (not aw-see). Noteably Austrailian; known to say sexy things. (Also see: Aussie terms)

Bad news: Something bad is happening to Dr. Jingles and you should probably be saving him.

Crevasse: Pronounced cre-voss. Any alcove on a map. Specificaly the rocky alcove on the left of the first point on Badwater. Also Crevasssea (cre-vos-e-ey).

Dr. Cuddle Time: A terrible person (220%).

A Handy: Something Cuddles gets from abortion clinics.

Jasper attack: Jasper the cat attacks Stunkee mid game causing bad things.

Kruber: The state or act of being both uber kritz and invuln.

The person Stunkee is healing: Probably an enemy spy. Kill him.

Points: Things that must be aquired.

Spugs: Spy bugs. Native to Stunkee's sofa. They are described as lizard like and weird. To be avoided at all costs.

Spycrab: The act of being a spy, taking out the disguise kit, crouching, looking up, and walking about to mimic the look of a crab. It is a good idea to uber one of these at the beginning of a round.

Uberfly: A large invincible fly that lands on Stunkee's "W" finger. Possibly evolved from spugs.

Aussie Terms

Ankle Biters: Small children

A Captain Cook: To take a look; scout.

Fair dinkum: A rather nonsense term.
Ex: "Cuddles is a horrible person." "Fair dunkum."

Horizontal folk dance: The act of fornication.

Mad as a cut snake: Very angry.

Ring: Call.

Silly as a bum full of smartees: Something that is stupid.
Ex: "This engie is as silly as a bum full of smartees."
Welcome back Stunkeee!
31 comentarios
lolkaa 13 ABR 2013 a las 10:22 a. m. 
some can help me to get a cs:go?
v³ | Dr. Jim Lahey+ 6 DIC 2012 a las 4:43 p. m. 
yo anyone down for a friendly highlander match
Ya_Hurd206 8 MAR 2011 a las 11:06 p. m. 
Yeah i agree, ♥♥♥♥ you stunkee! <3 BRAH BRAH BRAH BRAH BRAH (loudly over your talking)
Farfred 15 MAY 2010 a las 9:35 p. m. 
♥♥♥♥ you Stunkee? ♥♥♥♥ you Jingles? ♥♥♥♥ your entire organization?
Dr. HaxZaw 28 ENE 2010 a las 5:18 p. m. 
hey all i know you've all been missing me so i am thinking of hosting a glorious comeback after i suffered a season ending injury... you wont know when you wont know where... well actually it will be on a tn server
Dr. PidgeonRat 13 DIC 2009 a las 4:19 a. m. 
Our glorious leaders have returned!
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6 de abril de 2009