[Ger] Team DeDiMaSy DEDIMASY
[Ger] Team DeDiMaSy DEDIMASY
29 december 2013
OVER [Ger] Team DeDiMaSy

Team DEDIMASY - The Epicness of Skyrim-Mods

About us

We are 4 energetic guys who create Mods for the Game Skyrim from Bethesda Game Studios.

Current Project: The Curse - WIP
17 opmerkingen
Destero 28 mrt 2014 om 11:04 
Hey girls and guys, saw this mod and immediatly was thinking to make one of the fellow-characters fat "Thor-hal" in you (hopefuly) know, he runs a tavern after he settled down after getting an arrow......well, i skip that.....well he retired for some time and got a bit of fat on his pelvis.

this mod: Enhanced Fat Bastard Body Replacer LITE
Destero 25 mrt 2014 om 14:30 
New Team-Event on next saturday, please have a look at the Events-Section and post if you take part please!
かなで 22 mrt 2014 om 9:37 
Ok then lets see what the others say ^^
Destero 22 mrt 2014 om 9:35 

I am an advertiser and I like to do stuff like that so I like to have a video with pictures of the mod and also to have a website. The idea is good!

BTW the video was well cut! I think the only problem was.....the Video said something like:

"....if your bored to fight against draugher, bandits and so on..." Well the mod contains all of them :-P

Nevertheless the vid itself was well done! And i am sure we will come back to this point sooner or later, that we need exactly that!

I 'll see if i find the function to the calendar....but i already wrote to all the members personly in addition to this post. :-)

Destero 22 mrt 2014 om 9:34 
Hm well.... (for sure only my opinion, i tell of) ....I think to have a tread on (one of the most influencial websites concerning elderscrolls in germany) is much when we are not sure about the questline yet.

I like your idea, but i think we should wait till it 's sure we come to an end or can see the fullfillment of each goal we have at the horizon. But we will discuss this point for sure tomorrow, as i said in chat to you, i will give some controll away to other hands.

I already got critics by people who said, i am just opening some new thread or making it public because i am kean to get clicks.....ok, I can 't said its not satisfying to get clicks and likes and stuff like this, but the more we show the project the more pressure we get.

But this is only my opinion. If more members than me take responsibility for the mod, it would be more shoulders to carry the project and we can do so.

to be continued...
かなで 22 mrt 2014 om 9:04 
And BTW I thought about a REAL Homepage. You know this Steam Group is for US, but I think we need a public Website, where all people in the WWW can see, what we're actually doing. We can publish a Website with a connected Forum, where Questions from Users can be answered. I already have two ideas how to realise them, but I'm not sure if I should do this. I want to hear all your opinion in this case
~ Dings
29 december 2013